Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress, and Advancement (OADMAPA

General Announcements and Information on activities under the Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress, and Advancement (OADMAPA)

*Application to Graduate Programs for 2nd Semester, AY 2024-2025 is now open!

Please go to Application & Admission Tab

Please go to Application & Admission Tab

Dates to Remember

Application to Graduate Programs for 1st Semester AY 2024-2025

June 30, 2024


Registration Period for 1st Semester AY 2024-2025

August 14, 2024-August 16, 2024

Start of Classes

August 20, 2024

Last day of Withdrawal of Enlistment

August 16, 2024

Deadline for Change of Matriculation

August 30, 2024

Deadline for Students to file Application for Graduation as of


1st Semester

2nd Semester

Midterm 2025 

September 4, 2024

Deadline for Dropping of Subjects

November 14, 2024

Last day for Graduating Students to Clear Deficiencies

November 26, 2024

Deadline for Filling Leave of Absence (LOA)

November 25, 2024

End of Classes

December 9, 2024

Final Examination

December 11, 2024

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Important dates from the approved University Calendar

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Graduate Degree Programs from College of Science Institutes and Departments. List of courses can also be browsed here or in the respective sites of each institute to guide you in crafting the Plan of Study.


UPD College of Science offers various graduate degree programs:

Institute of Biology (IB) Programs

1. Diploma in Biology
2. MS in Biology
3. MS in Microbiology
4. PhD in Biology (Option 1 – with MS degree)
5. PhD in Biology (Option 2 – with BS degree)
6. PhD in Biology (Option 3 – by research) *

See list of courses from Institute of Biology

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1BIO 1Contemporary Topics in BiologyContemporary Topics in Biology. Recent developments in Biology pertinent to concerns about the nature of life, health, and related social issue. (3h lec)none3.00
2BIO 11Fundamentals of Biology IThe fundamentals of biology from the molecular and cellular levels up to organ systems of organization. (3h lec)Chem 16/equiv, Chem 16.1/equiv3.00
3BIO 11.1Fundamentals of Biology I LaboratoryExperiments and exercises in fundamentals of biology from molecular and cellular levels up to organ systems of organization (lab)Chem 16/equiv, Chem 16.1/equiv. Co-req: BIO 112.00
4BIO 12Fundamentals of Biology IIThe fundamentals of biology including reproductive and development genetics, systematics, evolution, and ecology. (3h lec)BIO 11, BIO
5BIO 12.1Fundamentals of Biology II LaboratoryExperiments and exercises in fundamentals of biology including reproduction and development, genetics, systematics, evolution, and ecology (lab)BIO 11, BIO 11.1. Co-req: BIO 12.2.00
6BIO 100Statistical Methods in BiologyApplications of basic statistics in the biological sciences (lec and lab)none3.00
7BIO 101Plant MorphoanatomyMorphology and anatomy of the vascular plants. (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO
8BIO 102Comparative Vertebrate AnatomyFunctional and comparative morphology of the various classes of vertebrates from an evolutionary perspective.BIO 12, BIO
9BIO 102.1Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy LaboratoryLaboratory activities and exercises in functional and comparative morphology of the various classes of vertebrates from an evolutionary perspective. (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO 12.1. Co-req: BIO 102.2.00
10BIO 111PhycologyTaxonomy, morphology, and phylogeny of algae (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO
11BIO 112MycologyTaxonomy, morphology, and ecology of the fungi and lichens. (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO
12BIO 113Fundamentals of VirologyViral taxonomy, structure, replication, and pathogenesis; virus-host interactions.BIO 120, BIO 150, BIO
13BIO 114Mosses, Hepatics, and FernsEvolutionary morphology, classification, and ecology of mosses, hepatics, and ferns. (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO
14BIO 115Taxonomy of AngiospermsIntroduction to the principles and methods of the description, identification, nomenclature, and classification of angiosperms (flowering plants); survey of selected flowering plant families with a discussion on phylogenetic relationships. (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO
15BIO 116Invertebrate BiologyTaxonomy, phylogeny, systematics based on molecular data, and selected aspects of physiology, reproduction, and ecology of invertebrates. (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO
16BIO 117Vertebrate BiologyBiology of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. (lec/lab)BIO 102, BIO 102.14.00
17BIO 118Insect BiologyStructure, function, development, taxonomy, and distribution of insects and allied forms. Methods of collection for study. (lec/lab)BIO 12, BIO
18BIO 119Fish BiologyMorphology, physiology, ecology, behavior, genetics, and taxnonomy of fish. (lec/lab)BIO 102, BIO 102.14.00
19BIO 120General MicrobiologyBiology of microorganisms and introduction to applied microbiology.BIO 12, BIO 12.1. Coreq: Chem 40, Chem
20BIO 121Plant PhysiologyFundamental aspects of plant vital functions, including nutrition, photosynthesis, absorption, and translocation of materials, growth, and development.BIO 101, Chem 40, Chem
21BIO 122Animal PhysiologyPrinciples of animal functions with emphasis on physiological regulations and adaptations.BIO 102, BIO 102.1, Chem 40, Chem
22BIO 122.1Animal Physiology LaboratoryPrinciples of animal functions with emphasis on physiological regulations and adaptations.BIO 102, BIO 102.1, Chem 40, Chem 40.1. Co-req: BIO 122/equiv.2.00
23BIO 123Fundamentals of Microbial PhysiologyComposition and structure of microbial cells; regulation of biochemical activities associated with cellular metabolism.BIO 1203.00
24BIO 125Medical MicrobiologySurvey of various microorganisms associated with human health and description of host-pathogen interactions.BIO 1203.00
25BIO 131Plant Developmental BiologyDevelopmental mechanisms in selected lower vascular and higher vascular plants, and cellular and molecular aspects of development.BIO 101, Chem 40, Chem
26BIO 132Animal Developmental BiologyDevelopmental biology of sexually reproducing animals with focus on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that characterize and regulate progression in the different stages of animal ontogenyBIO 102, BIO 102.1, Chem 40, Chem 40.13.00
27BIO 132.1Animal Developmental Biology LaboratoryLaboratory exercises which include microscopic observations and laboratory experimentation on developmental biology of animals.BIO 102, BIO 102.1, Chem 40, Chem 40.1. Co-req: BIO 132/equiv.2.00
28BIO 134General Animal HistologyMicroscopic structures and functional significance of animal tissues using an organ system approach.BIO 102, BIO 102.13.00
29BIO 140Fundamentals of GeneticsGenetics from Mendel to the present; basic principles, concepts, and mechanisms of genetics and modern developments in the field with their theoretical and practical implications.BIO 12, BIO 12.1, BIO 100/equiv, Chem 40, Chem 40.13.00
30BIO 140.1Fundamentals of Genetics LaboratoryLaboratory experiments and exercises in Genetics from Mendel to the present; basic principles, concepts and mechanisms of genetics and modern developments in the field with their theoretical and practical implications.BIO 12, BIO 12.1, BIO 100/equiv, Chem 40, Chem 40.12.00
31BIO 141Fundamentals of Microbial GeneticsStructure, expression, and applications of exchane of genetic materials in bacteria, fungi, and bacteriophagesBIO 120, BIO 140, BIO
32BIO 142Fundamentals of CytogeneticsConcepts, methods, and applications in cytogeneticsBIO 140, BIO
33BIO 150Fundamentals of Cell and Molecular BiologyStudy of living processes at the cellular and molecular levels of organization.BIO 12, BIO 12.1, Chem 40, Chem
34BIO 150.1Fundamentals of Cell and Molecular Biology LaboratoryExperiments and exercises in cell and molecular biology.BIO 12, BIO 12.1, Chem 40, Chem
35BIO 160Fundamentals of EcologyPrinciples and concepts pertaining to ecosystem structure and function, properties and interactions of populations, species adaptations and environmental influences, and organization and dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic communities.BIO 12, BIO 12.1, BIO 100/equiv.3.00
36BIO 160.1Fundamentals of Ecology LaboratoryPractical application of ecological concepts and principles pertaining to interactions, adaptations, and dynamics of terrestrial and aquatic communities through experiments and field exercisesBIO 12, BIO 12.1, Chem 40, Chem 40.1. Co-req: BIO 150/equiv2.00
37BIO 161Field BiologyField identification, natural history, and the study of plants, animals, and natural systems with emphasis on field techniques important to biodiversity assessment and researchBIO 160, BIO 160.15.00
38BIO 162LimnologyPhysical, chemical and biological aspects of freshwater habitatsBIO 160, BIO 160.14.00
39BIO 163Fundamentals of Microbial EcologyEcology and evolution of microorganisms, microbial interrelationships, and biogeochemical cyclesBIO 1203.00
40BIO 164Biodiversity and Conservation BiologyStudy of species assemblages, their distribution and ecosystems with particular reference to mechanisms of change and human impact.BIO 160, BIO 160.13.00
41BIO 165BiogeographyEcological and historical aspects of spatial distribution of plants and animals.BIO 160, BIO 160.13.00
42BIO 166Restoration EcologyEcological theory and practice in the restoration of populations, communities, ecosystems, and landscapes, with an emphasis on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.BIO 160, BIO 160.14.00
43BIO 170Animal BehaviorCauses and basis of comparative animal behavior with emphasis on the adaptive survival and reproductive mechanisms.BIO 116, BIO 1223.00
44BIO 171General ParasitologyBiology, morphology, life cycles, mechanisms of pathogenesis, epidemiology, and control of parasites including experiments involving cellular and molecular mechanisms of host-parasite interactions.BIO 102, BIO 102.1, BIO 120, BIO 150, BIO 150.13.00
45BIO 172Systematics and Ecology of Animal ParasitesBiodiversity, ecology, and evolution of animal parasites.BIO 102, BIO 102.1, BIO 1164.00
46BIO 191Systematics and EvolutionIntroduction to biological systematics and evolution covering the fundamental theory, methods, and purposes of biosystematics and the events and processes of organic evolution.BIO 12, BIO 12.13.00
47BIO 193Evolutionary EcologyPrinciples and theories that connect ecological processes, natural selection, and evolution.BIO 160, BIO 160.1, BIO 191
48BIO 196Undergraduate SeminarSenior Standing1.00
49BIO 200Undergraduate ThesisCourse stipulation: may be enrolled for 1, 2, or 4 units for a total of 4 units.Passed 95 units2.00
50BIO 210Advanced SystematicsAdvanced principles and methods in phylogenetic systematics. (lec/lab)Bio 191/COI3.00
51BIO 220Chemical PhysiologyIntegrative approach to plant and animal physiology, with focus on the molecular and cellular bases. (lec/lab)BIO 121/122/COI3.00
52BIO 221Advanced Plant PhysiologyAdvanced concepts of plant physiology; plant-water relations, inorganic nutrition, metabolic systems hormonal regulation and environmental control of growth and development, and plant movements. (lec/lab)BIO 121/equiv3.00
53BIO 224Stress PhysiologyPhysiological responses of plants and animals to environmental stress. (lec/lab)BIO 121, 122/equivs3.00
54BIO 230Differentiation in Embryonic SystemsConcepts and mechanisms underlying specialization of cells during early development.BIO 133/equiv/COI3.00
55BIO 232Advances in Plant Developmental BiologyCurrent topics on key areas of plant development; i.e. embryonic development, meristem activity during post-embryonic development, cytological features of developing structures, and genetic control of plant development.BIO 133/equiv3.00
56BIO 233Advances in Animal Developmental BiologyCurrent concepts on the underlying principles of animal development.BIO 133/equiv3.00
57BIO 234Developmental Morphology of Vascular PlantsDevelopmental morphology and anatomy of vascular plants at different stages of their vegetative and reproductive growth. (lec/lab)BIO 133/equiv3.00
58BIO 240Advanced GeneticsAdvanced principles and methods of genetics. (lec/lab)BIO 140/equiv3.00
59BIO 241Advanced Molecular GeneticsThe principles of heredity elucidated at the molecular level. (lec/lab)COI3.00
60BIO 242CytogeneticsCytology and genetics of induced chromosomal aberrations. (lec/lab)240/COI3.00
61BIO 243Population GeneticsAnalysis of gene frequencies and their alteration in a population. (lec/lab)BIO 140/COI3.00
62BIO 244Advanced Evolutionary GeneticsMechanisms of evolution using advanced principles of molecular and population genetics.BIO 240/equiv
63BIO 250Advanced Cell and Molecular BiologyAdvanced study on current topics in cell and molecular biologyBIO 1503.00
64BIO 251Advanced ImmunobiologyAdvanced concepts and methods in immunobiology. (lec/lab)BIO 151/ equiv.3.00
65BIO 260Advanced EcologyPrinciples and concepts underlying ecosystem structure and function in natural environments. (lec/lab)BIO 160/COI3.00
66BIO 262Freshwater EcologyComposition and dynamics of freshwater communities. (lec/lab)BIO 160/COI3.00
67BIO 263Terrestrial EcologyComposition and dynamics of terrestrial communities. (lec/lab)BIO 160/COI3.00
68BIO 265Advanced BiogeographyCurrent concepts on plant and animal distribution.BIO 160/equiv.3.00
69BIO 271Advanced ParsitologyCurrent trends and concepts in host-parasite relationships. (lec/lab)BIO 160/equiv.3.00
70BIO 280ProtozoologyBiology of representative protozoa. (lec/lab)BIO 116, 116.13.00
71BIO 281Experimental Design and Statistical AnalysisDesign and analysis of experiments and application of nonparametric and multivariate methods in the life sciences.BIO 180/equiv3.00
72BIO 296SeminarCompletion of 12 u of graduate courses.Completion of 12 u of graduate courses1.00
73BIO 299Research in BiologyConceptualization, conduct of actual research and preparation of scientific manuscript on a biological research problem. Prereq: Completion of 12 u of graduate courses.Completion of 12 u of graduate courses2.00
74BIO 300MS ThesisCompletion of course requirements.Completion of course requirements6.00
75BIO 322Advanced Animal PhysiologyAdvanced concepts of animal physiology; analyses of adaptive functions and mechanisms in various animal groups. (lec/lab)BIO 122/equiv3.00
76BIO 395Advanced Studies in BiologyConduct of actual research, preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced research problem in Biology, and submission of manuscript in a highly reputed journal (e.g. Thomson Reuters indexed) journal for peer review. May be taken twice provided that the research topics are not the same; topic(s) to be specified for record purposes. 4.00
77BIO 397Current Topics in BiologyDiscussions on current and emerging issues in the biological sciences.COI
78BIO 399Independent Doctoral Research in BiologyComprehensive literature survey, conceptualization and conduct of actual research and preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced biological research problem.Completion of 18 u of graduate courses2.00
79BIO 400PhD DissertationPassing of candidacy examination and completion of course requirementsPassing of candidacy examination and completion of course requirements
80Microbio 211Microbial SystematicsMicrobial Diversity, phylogeny, and modern approaches to microbial classification and identification. (lec/lab)Prereq: BIO 120/equiv3.00
81Microbio 212Ultrastructure of MicroorganismsBasic electron microscope with emphasis on cytochemistry and various labeling techniques as applied to microorganisms. (lec/lab)BIO 120/ equiv3.00
82Microbio 221Advanced Microbial PhysiologyAdvanced concepts of microbial nutrition and metabolism; microbial physiology mechanisms applicable to food, industrial, medical and environmental microbiology.BIO 123/equiv
83Microbio 241Advanced Microbial GeneticsAdvanced genetic analysis of microbial systems; molecular mechanisms of gene regulation and gene transfer in microorganisms. (lec/lab)BIO 141/equiv3.00
84Microbio 251Microbial PathogenesisMolecular mechanism of virulence and host-pathogen interactions.BIO 125/Bio 151/equiv
85Microbio 261Advanced Microbial EcologyAdvanced concepts of microbial ecology; microbial diversity and its relationship to environmental quality and sustainability. (lec/lab)BIO 163/equiv3.00
86Microbio 262Soil MicrobiologySystematics and ecology of soil microorganisms; techniques of studying growth and control of soil microflora. (lec/lab)BIO 163/equiv3.00
87Microbio 271ProtozoologyBio 116, Bio 117/equiv3.00
88Microbio 281Industrial MicrobiologyEconomically important microorganisms and their application in industry.BIO 120/equiv3.00
89Microbio 296SeminarCompletion of 12 u. of graduate courses1.00
90Microbio 299Research in MicrobiologyCompletion of 12 u. of graduate courses2.00
91Microbio 300MS ThesisCompletion of course requirements.Completion of all course work6.00

Institute of Chemistry (IC) Programs

1. Diploma in Chemistry
2. MS in Chemistry (Plan A – Thesis Option)
3. MS in Chemistry (Plan B – Non-Thesis Option)
4. MS in Chemistry Education
5. PhD in Chemistry (Option 1 – with MS degree)
6. PhD in Chemistry (Option 2 – with BS degree)
7. PhD in Chemistry (Option 3 – by research) **

See list of courses from Institute of Biology

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1Chem 16General Chemistry IFundamentals of Chemistry.Prereq/ Coreq: Math 11/equiv., to be taken simultaneously with Chem 16.13.00
2Chem 16. 1General Chemistry Laboratory IFundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory.Prereq/ Coreq: Math 11/equiv., to be taken simultaneously with Chem 162.00
3Chem 17General Chemistry IIContinuation of Chemistry 16.Prereq: Chem 16, Math 14/equiv., to be taken simultaneously with Chem 17.13.00
4Chem 17.1General Chemistry Laboratory IIContinuation of Chemistry 16 Laboratory.Prereq: Chem 16, Math 14/equiv., to be taken simultaneously with Chem 172.00
5Chem 26Introduction to Quantitative Chemical AnalysisBasic principles of analytical chemistry with emphasis on stoichiometry and equilibrium concepts and calculations.Prereq: Chem 16, Math 17/ equiv.; to be taken simultaneously with Chem
6Chem 26.1Introduction to Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory.To be taken simultaneously with Chem 26.2.00
7Chem 28Fundamentals of Analytical ChemistryPrinciples and techniques of absolute methods of analysis and selected comparative methods.Prereq: Chem 17. Coreq: Chem 28.1 (for non-BS Chem majors) or Chem 101.1 (for BS Chem majors).3.00
8Chem 28.1Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry LaboratoryTo be taken simultaneously with Chem 282.00
9Chem 31Elementary Organic ChemistryIntroduction to modern theories in organic chemistry. Correlation of structure with properties of organic compounds.Prereq: Chem 16/equiv; to be taken simultaneously with Chem
10Chem 31.1Elementary Organic Chemistry LaboratoryPrereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 31. 62.00
11Chem 33Fundamentals of Organic ChemistryIntroduction to modern concepts in organic chemistry. Discussion of electronic and structural effects on reaction mechanisms.Chem 173.00
12Chem 34Organic Reactions and SpectroscopyAn integrated application of modern concepts in organic chemistry to physical properties and chemical reactivities of organic compounds.Prereq: Chem 333.00
13Chem 40Elementary BiochemistryAn elementary treatment of structure-function relationship of biomolecules and biochemical mechanisms.Prereq: Chem 26, 26.1, 31, 31.1/Chem 17, Chem 31, 31.1/equivs.; to be taken simultaneously with Chem
14Chem 40.1Elementary Biochemistry LaboratoryPrereq: To be taken simultaneously with Chem 40. 6 h. (lab)2.00
15Chem 101.1Laboratory Techniques for Organic and Analytical ChemistryIntegrated experiments in basic organic Ichemistry reactions, physical methods, sampling, gravimetric analysis and titrimetric analysis; introduction to chromatography, potentiometry and spectrophometry; safety and chemical waste management. Prereq: to be taken simultaneously with Chem 28 and Chem 33. 9 h (lab)3.00
16Chem 101.2Organic Reactions and Instrumental Methods of Analysis.Integrated experiments involving methods of synthesis, as well as instrumental techniques in analytical and organic chemistry such as spectroscopy, chromatography and electrochemistry; safety and chemical waste management.Prereq: Chem 101.1 to be taken simultaneously with Chem 34 and Chem 123. 9 h. (lab)3.00
17Chem 102.1Integrated Laboratory for Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry. Integrated experiments involving laboratory techniques in biochemistry, inorganic and physical chemistry (e.g., kinetic, separation and spectroscopic methods); synthesis; safety and chemical waste management.Prereq: Chem 145, Chem 145.1 and Chem 153. Coreq: Chem 146 and Chem 154. 9 h. (lab)3.00
18Chem 102.2Advanced Integrated Laboratory for Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Physical ChemistryIntegrated experiments involving advanced laboratory techniques in biochemistry, inorganic and physical chemistry (e.g., kinetic, separation and spectroscopic methods); synthesis; safety and chemical waste management. Prereq: Chem 102.1 and Chem 112. 9 h. (lab)3.00
19Chem 105Mathematical Methods for ChemistryApplications of mathematical methods to specific chemistry problemsPrereq: Math 22. 3h. (lec).3.00
20Chem 112Principles of Inorganic Chemistry and their Applications to Representative Elements.Structure, bonding, and chemical reactivities of representative elements and their compounds. Prereq: Chem 28.3.00
21Chem 113Transition and Rare Earth Elements and their Compounds.Chemical structures, properties and reactivities of d and f block elements and their compounds. Prereq: Chem 112. 3h. (lec).3.00
22Chem 123Advanced Analytical Chemistry.Principles and applications of instrumental methods with emphasis on separations, spectroscopic and electrochemical methods; introduction to quality assurance in the analytical laboratory. Prereq: Chem 28, 33, 101.1; to be taken simultaneously with Chem 34 and
23Chem 125Chem 125 Basic Electronics for Chemical InstrumentationBasic principles of instrumentation in spectrophotometric, electrometric and separation methods; fundamentals of electronics.Prereq: Chem 28, 34, Physics 72. 6 h. (3 lec, 3 lab)4.00
24Chem 145Principles of Biochemistry.Concepts in structure and function of the major biomolecules; bioenergetics, kinetics and mechanisms of enzyme catalysis, modulation and inhibition. Prereq: Chem 28, 34, 101.1,
25Chem 145.1Laboratory Techniques in BiochemistryFundamental techniques in biochemistry for extracting, handling and characterizing the major classes of biomolecules. These techniques are used for molecules of high molecular weights, which are relatively unstable and often denaturable with techniques ordinarily applied for small molecules. Coreq: Chem 145. 3 h. (lab)3.00
26Chem 146Biochemistry of Metabolism and Informational PathwaysPrimary catabolic and anabolic pathways; gene replication, expression and regulation; hormones and signaling pathways. Prereq: Chem 145; to be taken simultaneously with with Chem 102.1. Coreq: Chem
27Chem 150Introduction to Physical ChemistryGeneral principles of physical chemistry with emphasis on their application to biological systems.Prereq: Chem 26, 26.1, 31, 31.1/equiv.3.00
28Chem 150.1Introduction to Physical Chemistry LaboratoryPrereq/ Coreq: Chem 150. 3 h. (lab)1.00
29Chem 153Physical Chemistry: Foundations of Chemical ThermodynamicsFundamental relations and equations in state.Prereq: Chem 105 or COI.3.00
30Chem 154Physical Chemistry of Real Systems.Electrochemistry, chemical kinetics and reaction mechanisms, surface phenomena, colloids, and transport properties. Prereq: Chem 153 or ChE 122, and Physics 72.3.00
31Chem 156Introduction to Quantum ChemistryPrinciples of quantum mechanics applied to atomic and molecular structure; approximate methods for complex atoms and moleculesPrereq: Chem 153 and Physics 72.3.00
32Chem 196Undergraduate Seminar.Prereq: SS., may be taken twice.1.00
33Chem 197Special Topics in Applied Chemistry.Prereq: SS.3.00
34Chem 200Undergraduate Thesis4 (1 yr., 2 u./ sem.)
35Chem 201Chemistry for Teachers of college Chemistry(lec/lab)4.00
36Chem 203Environmental ChemistryChemistry applied to the study of the environment, its pollution and control.3.00
37Chem 203.1Environmental Chemistry LaboratoryThe chemical analysis of soil, water, and air samples.Coreq: Chem 2032.00
38Chem 211Systematic Inorganic ChemistryStudy of the chemistry of the metallic and nonmetallic elements.Chem 112, 156 / COI3.00
39Chem 212Reaction Mechanism of Transition Metal ComplexesMechanisms of reactions of first and second series transition metal ions in relation to their structures.Chem 211 / COI.3.00
40Chem 213Physical Methods of Inorganic ChemistryApplications of spectroscopy and other modern physical techniques to the study of inorganic compounds.Chem 211/ COI3.00
41Chem 214Inorganic SynthesisMethods of synthesis of inorganic and organometallic compounds. (lec/lab)Chem 211/ COI4.00
42Chem 215Coordination ChemistryBonding and structure of coordination compounds; quantitative interpretation of spectral, magnetic and crystallographic data. (lec/lab)Chem 211/ COI5.00
43Chem 216Bioinorganic ChemistryStructure, bonding, and mechanistic aspect of metal ion involvement in biological processes.Chem 211 / COI3.00
44Chem 217Nuclear ChemistryTheories of radioactive decay. The study of nuclear reactions. Methods of chemical separation of radioactive substances, their detection, and measurement.Chem 154 / COI3.00
45Chem 218Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition MetalA study of metal complexes using carbon as the ligating atom.Chem 211/ COI3.00
46Chem 219Solid State ChemistryStructure and bonding in solid state materials.Chem 211/ COI3.00
47Chem 220Instrumental Methods of AnalysisFundamentals of chemical instrumentation; theory and application of some common instrumental methods.Chem 123/ COI3.00
48Chem 220.1Laboratory in Instrumental Methods of AnalysisPrereq: Chem 123.1/COI. Coreq: Chem 2202.00
49Chem 221Electroanalytical ChemistryTheory of modern electrochemical methods, such as cyclic voltammetry, Stripping analysis, AC and differential pulse polarography, and ring disk electrodes.Chem 220/ COI.3.00
50Chem 222Optical Methods of AnalysisFundamentals of optical instrumentation; Principles and applications of spectroscopy and spectrophotometryChem 220/ COI.3.00
51Chem 223Theoretical Analytical ChemistryTheory of analytical separations based on chemical and phase equilibria.Prereq: Chem 123/COI.3.00
52Chem 224Aquatic ChemistryThe composition properties, and processes in natural aquatic systemsPrereq: Chem 220,223/COI.3.00
53Chem 225Modular Chemical InstrumentationFundamentals of analog and digital electronics; modular approach to chemical instrumentationPrereq Chem 220/COI.3.00
54Chem 226Analytical Separation MethodsAdvanced treatment of separation theory and its application to some common analytical separation methods.Prereq: Chem 223/COI.3.00
55Chem 227Radioisotope TechniquesMethods of chemical separation, detection, and measurement of radioactive substances; application to chemical problems. (lec/lab)Prereq: Chem 217 / COI.4.00
56Chem 230Physical Organic Chemistry I Applications of physical chemistry in the study of structure, reactivity, and reaction mechanism of organic compoundsPrereq: Chem 154, 34/COI.3.00
57Chem 231Polymer ChemistrySynthesis, physical and chemical properties, structure and functions of synthetic and natural polymersPrereq: Chem 230/ COI.3.00
58Chem 231.1Polymer Chemistry LaboratoryMethods and techniques in polymer synthesis; testing and characterization of polymers.Prereq: Chem 154, 34/COI3.00
59Chem 234Physical Chemistry Organic IIPrinciples of stereochemistry and their applications to the study of configuration, conformation, and reaction mechanism of organic compounds.Prereq: Chem 230/COI3.00
60Chem 235Theoretical Organic ChemistryApplication of quantum chemistry in the study of structure, reactivity, and reaction mechanisms of organic compounds.Prereq: Chem 156, 230/ COI3.00
61Chem 236Organic SynthesisTechniques of organic synthesis.Prereq: Chem 230/COI3.00
62Chem 236.1Organic Synthesis LaboratoryExperimental techniques in organic synthesis.Coreq: Chem 236/COI2.00
63Chem 237Spectroscopic Methods in Organic ChemistryApplication of nmr, esr, ir, uv-vis, and mass spectrometry in organic chemistryPrereq: Chem 230/COI.3.00
64Chem 238Heterocyclic ChemistrySynthesis properties, and chemical reactivity of N-, O-, S– containing heterocyclic compoundPrereq: Chem 230 /COI.3.00
65Chem 239Natural Products ChemistryChemistry and biogenesis of major classes of secondary metabolitesPrereq Chem 230 /COI.3.00
66Chem 240Advance BiochemistryStructure and conformation of biomolecules; electronic indices and reactivity of biomolecules; fundamental techniques used in the study of biomoleculesPrereq: Chem 146 / COI.3.00
67Chem 241Lipids and Related SystemsStructure function correlations, cellular utilization and regulation mechanismsPrereq: Chem 240 /COI.3.00
68Chem 242Carbohydrates and Related SystemsStructure function correlations, cellular utilization and regulation mechanismsPrereq: Chem 240 / COI.3.00
69Chem 243Nucleic AcidsStructure function correlations and mechanism of cellular utilization and regulation of nucleic acidsPrereq: Chem 240 / COI.3.00
70Chem 244ProteinsStructure function correlations and mechanisms of cellular utilization and regulation of proteinsPrereq: Chem 240 / COI.3.00
71Chem 245EnzymesThe chemical nature of enzymes and co enzymes, their general methods of preparation and investigation, the kinetics and mechanisms of their actionPrereq: Chem 244 / COI.3.00
72Chem 247Molecular BiochemistryBehavior of biologically active substance and mechanisms of enzymes reactions in terms of electronic theoryPrereq: Chem 240 / COI3.00
73Chem 248Metabolic and Information PathwaysIntegration and regulation of catabolic and biosynthetic processes; biochemistry of informal moleculesPrereq: Chem 240/COI.3.00
74Chem 250Chemical Thermodynamics IThermodynamics theory; applications to chemical and other related systems; introduction to irreversible thermodynamicsPrereq: Chem 153/COI.3.00
75Chem 251Chemical Thermodynamics IIEnsembles and thermodynamics; noninteracting system; interacting systems; quantum statisticsPrereq: Chem 156, 250/ COI.3.00
76Chem 252Graduate Physical Chemistry LaboratoryCOI.2.00
77Chem 255Quantum ChemistryApproximation methods; noninteracting particles; the chemical applications of group theory.Prereq: Chem 156/COI.3.00
78Chem 256Advanced Quantum ChemistryRepresentation theory; quantum transitions under the influence of external perturbation; quantum theory of scattering; approximation methods.Prereq: Chem 255/ COI3.00
79Chem 257Chemical KineticsReaction rates and mechanisms.Prereq: Chem 154/COI.3.00
80Chem 288Chemistry Teaching PracticumPrereq: consent of the institute and passing of the comprehensive examination2.00
81Chem 289Special Problem in Chemical EducationPrereq: consent of the graduate committee and passing of the comprehensive examination.2.00
82Chem 291Seminar in Inorganic ChemistryPrereq: completion of 9 units in the M.S. program1.00
83Chem 292Seminar in Analytical ChemistryPrereq: completion of 9 units in the M.S. program1.00
84Chem 293Seminar in Organic ChemistryPrereq: completion of 9 units in the M.S. program1.00
85Chem 294Seminar in BiochemistryPrereq: completion of 9 units in the M.S. program1.00
86Chem 295Seminar in Physical ChemistryPrereq: completion of 9 units in the M.S. program1.00
87Chem 300MS Thesis6.00
88Chem 319Special Topics in Inorganic ChemistryTrends and developments in inorganic chemistryPrereq: COI3.00
89Chem 319.1Special Topics in Experimental Inorganic ChemistryPrereq: COI1.00
90Chem 329Special Topics in Analytical ChemistryTrends and developments in analytical chemistryPrereq: COI3.00
91Chem 329.1Special Topics in Experimental Analytical ChemistryPrereq: COI1.00
92Chem 339Special Topics in Organic ChemistryTrends and developments in organic chemistryPrereq: COI3.00
93Chem 339.1Special Topics in Experimental Organic ChemistryPrereq: COI1.00
94Chem 349Special Topics in BiochemistryTrends and developments in biochemistryPrereq: COI3.00
95Chem 349.1Special Topics in Experimental BiochemistryPrereq: COI1.00
96Chem 359Special Topics in Physical ChemistryTrends and developments in physical chemistryPrereq: COI3.00
97Chem 359.1Special Topics in Experimental Physical ChemistryPrereq: COI1.00
98Chem 391Research Seminar in Inorganic ChemistryPrereq: completion of 12 units in the PhD program.1.00
99Chem 392Research Seminar in Analytical ChemistryPrereq: completion of 12 units in the PhD program.1.00
100Chem 393Research Seminar in Organic ChemistryPrereq: completion of 12 units in the PhD program.1.00
101Chem 394Research Seminar in BiochemistryPrereq: completion of 12 units in the PhD program.1.00
102Chem 395Research Seminar in Physical ChemistryPrereq: completion of 12 units in the PhD program.1.00
103Chem 400Ph.D. DissertationPrereq: completion of all course requirements and passing of candidacy examination.12.00

Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology (IESM) Programs

1. Diploma in Environmental Science
2. Diploma in Meteorology
3. MS in Environmental Science
4. MS in Meteorology
5. PhD in Environmental Science (Option 1 – with MS degree)
6. PhD in Environmental Science (Option 2 – with BS degree)
7. PhD in Environmental Science (Option 3 – by research) *
8. PhD in Meteorology (Option 1 – with MS degree)
9. PhD in Meteorology (Option 2 – with BS degree)
10. PhD in Meteorology (Option 3 – by research) *

See list of courses from IESM

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1Env. Sci. 262Water Quality ModelingPrinciples and techniques of modeling water quality in aquatic systems. (lec/lab)3
2Env. Sci. 395Advanced Studies in Environmental ScienceConduct of directed, specific research on a problem in the field of Environmental Science (lab)4
3Meteo 201Synoptic MeteorologyMesoscale to planetary scale weather systems of the general circulation with emphasis on synoptic scale systems.(lec/lab)4
4Meteo 202Synoptic Meteorology PracticumSummer practical work at the Weather Forecasting Office. (lab)3
5Meteo 203Methods of Analytical Meteorology and OceanographyMathematical and numerical methods in meteorology and oceanography; principles of statistical analysis; computer programming. (lec/lab)3
6Meteo 206HydrometeorologyIntegration of hydrology and meteorology focusing on precipitation, surface flow, and groundwater flow, and their observation, analysis, modeling, and forecasting (lec/lab)3
7Meteo 212Climate Monitoring and PredictionAnalysis of climate data, its application and utility in global climate models; climate monitoring principles; statistical and dynamical techniques; climate modeling and parameterization; coupling and interactions. (lec/lab)3
8Meteo 213AgrometeorologyImplications of meteorological processes to agriculture including soil and heat balance, hydrological cycle, small-scale climate, agrometeorological management at microscale and topscale, and operational agrometeorology. (lec/lab)3
9Meteo 221Physical MeteorologyFundamentals of physical atmospheric processes with emphasis on the thermodynamics of the atmosphere and principles of radiative transfer. (lec/lab)3
10Meteo 222Satellite MeteorologyPrinciples and applications of remote sensing technology to meteorology; nature of radiation, absorption, emission, reflection and scattering, radiative transfer equation, surface temperature, and cloud detection; satellite observations; data acquisition, handling, and processing; interpretation of satellite data. (lec/lab)3
11Meteo 223Radar MeteorologyPrinciples and applications of radar to meteorology; radar systems; radar data acquisition, handling and processing; integration of radar principles to synoptic and dynamic processes in the atmosphere. (lec/lab)3
12Meteo 224Air Pollution Meteorology.Interrelationship between meteorology and air pollution; role of contaminants in climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion; dispersion modeling; legislations and mitigations (lec/lab)3
13Meteo 225Cloud and Precipitation PhysicsDynamics and microphysical processes of cloud and rain formation, modeling and parameterization, and cloud modification. (lec/lab)3
14Meteo 231Dynamic Meteorology.Fundamentals of fluid dynamics, physical laws of conservations of mass, momentum, and energy applied to various horizontal and vertical scale motions; circulation and vorticity. (lec/lab)4
15Meteo 234Numerical Weather PredictionExamination, evaluation and application of numerical models for weather diagnosis and forecasting. (lec/lab)3
16Meteo 321Research Problems in WeatherAdvanced applications of weather research. (lab)2
17Meteo 331Research Problems ClimateAdvanced applications of climate research. (lab)2
18Meteo 341Research Problems in Environmental MeteorologyAdvanced applications of environmental meteorology research. (lab)2
19Meteo 395Advanced Studies in MeteorologyConduct of directed, specific research on a problem in the field of meteorology. (lab)4
20Meteo 399Independent Doctoral Research in MeteorologyComprehensive literature review, conceptualization and conduct of research and preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced meteorological research problem. Prereq: Completion of at least 18 u of course work. (lab)2

National Institute of Geological Sciences (NIGS) Programs

1. MS in Geology
2. PhD in Geology

See list of courses from NIGS

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1GEOL 1Our Dynamic EarthThe study of how the Earth works, its place in the universe, and the relationship between people and the physical environmentNone3
2Geol 11Principles of GeologyEarth materials, nature and consequences of geologic processesNone3
3Geol 11.1Laboratory in Principles of GeologyLaboratory activities in Earth materials, nature and consequences of geologic processesCoreq: Geol 111
4Geol 12Technical Drawing and Field Methods in GeologyBasic geometric drawing in geology and fundamental geologic field techniques; Topographic map analysis and interpretationGeol 11, Geol 11.12
5Geol 41MineralogyIntroduction to crystallography and mineralogyGeol 12/ES1, Math 21, Chem 16/equivalent, Chem 16.1/equivalent5
6Geol 51Petrology and PetrographyOrigin, evolution, and distribution of important igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, physiochemical data, and natural occurrencesGeol 415
7Geol 105GeochemistryApplications of theories and principles in chemistry in the study of geological problemsGeol 51, Chem 26, Chem 26.13
8Geol 110Introduction to Environmental GeologyApplication of geology to environmental issuesGeol 105 (for Geol Majors); Geol 11, Chem 26/equivalent, Chem 26.1/ equivalent (for Non-Geol Majors)3
9Geol 112Structural GeologyCharacterization of field structures; Introduction of concepts necessary in understanding structural deformation and implications to tectonicsGeol 51, Physics 71, Physics 71.14
10Geol 116Introduction to Engineering GeologyApplication of geologic principles in construction, hazard and risk management, development of Earth resources, and other environmental issuesGeol 112, Geol 1223
11Geol 117Introduction to HydrogeologyIntroduction to assessment, development, and management of groundwater resourcesGeol 122, Math 21/equivalent3
12Geol 118Geological and Hydrometeorological HazardsTypes of geological hazards and controls, parameters and tools for their assessment, with emphasis on the Philippine settingGeol 112, Geol 120, Geol 1223
13Geol 120Stratigraphy and SedimentologyStudy of the processes of formation of layered rocks and their distribution in time and spaceGeol 514
14Geol 122GeomorphologySurface geologic processes and landforms; Geomorphological characterization and mapping, and application of geomorphology in geohazards assessmentGeol 123
15Geol 131MicropaleontologyIntroduction to animal and plant microfossils. Emphasis on ForaminiferaGeol 1304
16Geol 132PaleontologyFossils and fossilization; The fossil record and its significance in geologic historyPrereq: Geol 51. Co-req: BIO 113
17Geol 133Marine GeologySurface/subsurface features of the ocean floor, and physical, chemical, and biological processes that influence their origin, composition, and evolution; Methods used in exploration and data acquisition for both basic and applied marine geology researchPrereq: None
Course Stipulation: Senior standing (must have completed at least 110 units of the courses included in the BS Geology Curriculum).
18Geol 135Earth HistoryEarth history and ancient life as recorded in rocks; Application of guiding principles and methods in geology to Earth historyGeol 1204
19Geol 141Earth Materials ScienceIntroduction to Earth materials characterization techniquesPrereq: Geol 105 (for Geol majors); Geol 51, Chem 26/equivalent, Chem 26.1/equivalent (for non-Geol majors)3
20Geol 154VolcanologyStudy of eruption mechanisms and processes, and the role of volcanism to the dynamics and evolution of the Earth’s systemsGeol 105, Geol 122, Geol 1123
21Geol 170Field GeologyGeologic mappingGeol 118, Geol 1353
22Geol 171Mineral Data AnalysisStatistical techniques in the analysis and interpretation of mineral and geological dataMath 101/COI3
23Geol 172Introduction to GeostatisticsPrinciples, concepts and models in geostatistics. Examination of the bases, implications, uses and limitations of prevailing geostatistical modelsGeol 171, Geol 194/COI3
24Geol 173Introduction to Earth Resource EconomicsPrinciples of economics necessary for understanding the behavior and characteristics of earth resource based industriesEcon 113
25Geol 174Introduction to Earth Resources Project EvaluationPrinciples of earth resources project evaluation, including environmental impact assessment; application to exploration projects; case studiesGeol 1733
26Geol 175Computer Applications in GeologyUse of computer applications in geologyPrereq: None
Course stipulation: Junior Standing (50% units of BS Geology completed).
27Geol 177Geology and Tectonics of the Philippines and Southeast AsiaSummary of Philippine and Southeast Asian geology and tectonics; Correlation of current observed features with regional geodynamic evolutionGeol 112, Geol 120 3
28Geol 181GeophysicsIntroduction to geophysics and geophysical methodsGeol 193, Physics 72, Physics 72.1, Math 234
29Geol 193Mineral ResourcesNature, occurrence, and origin of metalliferous and non-metalliferous deposits; Assessment of resource materialsGeol 112, Chem 26/equivalent, Chem 26.1/equivalent5
30Geol 195Energy ResourcesThe geology, genesis, exploration and development of Earth’s major economic natural energy resources, with emphasis on the PhilippinesGeol 112, Geol 120, Geol 1223
31Geol 196Undergraduate SeminarResearch and presentation on important topics in geologyPrereq: None
Course stipulation: Senior Standing (must have completed 110 units of the courses included in the BS Geology curriculum).
32Geol 197Special Topics in Geology: (Topic to be specified)To be specified depending on topicPrereq: None
Course Stipulation: Junior Standing (must have completed at least 74 units in the BS Geology Curriculum). Geol 197 may be taken twice as long as the topics are different.
33Geol 198Laws and Policies in GeologyOverview of policies and laws related to the ethical practice of geology, with emphasis on the PhilippinesGeol 193, Geol 1953
34Geol 199Undergraduate ResearchConceptualization and conduct of geological researchPrereq: Geol 170
Course Stipulation: Senior standing (must have completed at least 110 units of the courses included in the BS Geology Curriculum).
35Geol 200Undergraduate ThesisConduct of research and preparation of a geologic report at the undergraduate levelGeol 1993
36Geol 203Geochemical ExplorationGeochemical principles, techniques, interpretation, and procedures in geochemical exploration for mineral depositsGeol 105/COI3
37Geol 205GeochemistryDistribution of chemical elements and isotopes in geologic environments; acquisition and interpretation of geochemical dataGeol 105/COI3
38Geol 207Mineral EquilibriaPhase equilibria in multicomponent systemsGeol 105/COI2
39Geol 208Geochemistry of HydrocarbonsGeochemistry of coal petroleum and natural gas in relation to other genesisGS3
40Geol 212Advanced Structural GeologyTectonic elements and their patterns; theories of orogenesisGeol 112, Geol 120, Geol 150/COI3
41Geol 213Photogeology and Remote SensingConcepts of remote sensing and geological interpretation of remote sensing imageryGeol 112, Geol 1222
42Geol 214GeotectonicsStructural evolution of the crust, continents, island arcs and oceans using East and Southeast Asia among the modelsGS3
43Geol 215Advanced Field GeologyMapping in complex geologic terranesGeol 1703
44Geol 216Geology for Large InfrastructuresPrinciples and practice of geology in relation to the construction of large infrastructure projectsCOI3
45Geol 217HydrogeologyPrinciples and practice of groundwater exploration and developmentCOI3
46Geol 218Urban GeologyConcepts and techniques of geology as applied to the planning, development and construction of public and private structure in urban communitiesCOI3
47Geol 230Marine GeologyGeologic structure of ocean basins and continental margins; geologic processes in marine regimesNone3
48Geol 232Systematic Invertebrate PaleontologySelected phyla of fossilsGeol 60/COI4
49Geol 237Advanced MicropaleontologyStudy of large and small foraminifera with emphasis on Philippine materialsGeol 1314
50Geol 241X-ray Crystallography and SpectrographyX-ray methods for the characterization of crystal structure and determination of chemical compositionCOI4
51Geol 243Crystal Chemistry and Crystal PhysicsPhysical and chemical properties, structure types and stability of common rock-forming mineralsCOI2
52Geol 250Igneous PetrologyIgneous rock associations and their origins, with emphasis on Philippine rocks; microscopic study of igneous rocks including mineral examination with the use of universal stageGeol 150/COI4
53Geol 251Metamorphic PetrologyProperties and origin of metamorphic rocks; techniques applied to the study of metamorphic rocksGeol 150/COI4
54Geol 252SedimentologyProcesses and materials in sedimentary environments; application to selected Philippine examplesGeol 120/COI3
55Geol 253Sedimentary PetrologyGenesis and classification of common sediments and sedimentary rocks, analysis and interpretation of fabric and composition of sedimentary rocksGeol 150/COI4
56Geol 254VolcanismCauses of volcanic activity; geochemistry and experimental petrology relating to the generation of lavasGeol 105/COI3
57Geol 255Geothermal ResourcesGeology, geochemistry and geophysics of geothermal resources; techniques of exploration, evaluation and developmentGeol 105/COI, Geol 1813
58Geol 260Stratigraphic AnalysisApplication of stratigraphic principles to local and regional problems. Techniques in stratigraphic analysisGeol 120/COI4
59Geol 261PaleogeologyRegional studies of geologic history by use of isopach, paleogeologic, and facies mapsCOI3
60Geol 270Ore MicroscopyAdvanced microscopic techniques in ore mineral identification, interpretation of their textures and relationship with respect to the origin of a deposit; application to mineral processingGeol 194/COI4
61Geol 271Mining GeologyApplication of geology to the search for, and the exploration, development and exploitation of mineral depositsGE 14, COI3
62Geol 272Advanced Petroleum GeologyProblems in the occurrence and accumulation of petroleumGeol 1902
63Geol 273Advanced Mineral DepositsOre deposit types and origin of mineral deposits with emphasis on Philippine examplesGeol 1943
64Geol 274Environmental GeologyThe application of geologic principles and concepts in environmental and resource assessment and managementGeol 174/COI4
65Geol 275Mineral Resource EconomicsGeologic and economic bases of mineral resources; basic issues in resource extraction; analytical modelsGeol 173/COI3
66Geol 276.2Metallic Mineral ResourcesAnalysis of major metallic mineral resources; behavior and implication to Philippine and world economiesGeol 275/COI3
67Geol 276.3Nonmetallic Mineral ResourcesAnalysis of major nonmetallic mineral resources; behavior and implication to Philippine and world economiesGeol 275/COI3
68Geol 276.4Energy ResourcesAnalysis of the major energy resources; behavior and implications to Philippine and world economiesGeol 275/COI3
69Geol 277.1Quantitative Methods in Mineral Economics ILinear stochastic modeling; application to mineral problemsGeol 171, Geol 275/COI3
70Geol 277.2Quantitative Methods in Mineral Economics IIPrinciples of linear programming, input-output and related models; applications to mineral industry problemsGeol 171, Geol 275/COI3
71Geol 278Quantitative Methods Applied to ExplorationStatistical and computer programming approach to mineral exploration. Problems of optimum search and efficient sampling schemes, ore reserve calculations and valuationGeol 172, Geol 181, Geol 194/COI3
72Geol 279Energy and Mineral PoliciesConcepts, principles and constraints relevant to the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of energy and mineral development policiesCOI3
73Geol 281Geophysical Exploration ITheory and application of gravity and magnetic methods of explorationGeol 181 (maybe taken concurrently), Math 121.13
74Geol 282Geophysical Exploration IITheory and application of refraction and reflection seismic methods of explorationGeol 181 (maybe taken concurrently), Math 121.13
75Geol 283Geophysical Exploration IIITheory and application of electrical and electromagnetic methods of explorationGeol 181 and Math 121.13
76Geol 284Solid Earth GeophysicsSeismology; the structure and the composition of the earth’s interiorGeol 1943
77Geol 285Geophysical ProspectingUse of geophysical instruments in mineral explorationGeol 1813
78Geol 289Economics and Management of Mineral Exploration and DevelopmentModels, approaches and practices commonly used in the energy/mineral industriesCOI3
79Geol 290Fundamental Problems in GeologySelected fundamental problems in geology, their relationships to each other; integration of the different branches of geology and of other sciences towards solution of these problemsCOI3
80Geol 296Seminar: (Subject Title)SeminarCOI
May be taken twice, topic to be indicated for record purposes
81Geol 297Special Topics in Geology: (Subject Title)(To be specified depending on topic)COI
Course stipulation: May be taken three (3) times by MS Geology students and five (5) times by PhD Geology students provided that the topics are not the same
82Geol 298Seminar in Mineral EconomicsSeminarNone2
83Geol 300Master’s Thesis6
84Geol 331Environmental GeologyConservation and management of earth resources and application of geologic data for urban, rural and regional development projects3
85Geol 399Research: (Subject Title)COI
May be taken twice, topic to be indicated for record purposes.
86Geol 400PhD Dissertation12

Institute of Mathematics (IM) Programs

1. Diploma in Mathematics
2. MA in Mathematics
3. MS in Applied Mathematics
4. MS in Mathematics
5. Professional Master’s in Applied Mathematics
6. PhD in Mathematics

See list of courses from IM

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1Math 2Mathematics in Everyday LifeThis course covers basic mathematical concepts and skills applied to everyday lifeNone3
2Math 10Mathematics, Culture and SocietyAppreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics through the examination of its nature, development and utility, and its relationship with culture and societyNone3
3Math 20Precalculus: Functions and their GraphsEquations and inequalities; two dimensional coordinate system, graphs of equations; conic sections; functions and their graphs; trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities; inverse trigonometric functions; solutions of triangles; polar form of complex numbersHigh School Algebra/equiv(4)
4Math 21Elementary Analysis ILimits and continuity; derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions (exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, hyperbolic, and their inverses); applications of derivatives; antiderivatives and definite integrals; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; applications of the definite integralHigh School Basic Calculus or Math 20/equiv4
5Math 22Elementary Analysis IITechniques of integration; improper integrals; parametric equations and polar coordinates; lines in space, planes, cylindrical surfaces, surfaces of revolution, and quadric surfaces; vectors and vector-valued functions; sequences and series.Math 21/equiv4
6Math 23Elementary Analysis IIIFunctions of several variables; limits and continuity of functions of several variables; partial derivatives and the total differential; directional derivatives; relative and absolute extrema of functions of several variables; double and triple integrals; applications of multiple integrals; vector fields; line and surface integralsMath 22/equiv4
7Math 30Intermediate Analysis and ApplicationsIntegration techniques; multivariate calculus; sequences and series; introduction to matrices; applications to economics, business, life and social sciencesMath 21/equiv3
8Math 40Linear AlgebraVector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; eigenvalues; canonical forms; orthogonality; applicationsMath 22/equiv or Math 30/equiv3
9Math 108Foundations of Abstract MathematicsPropositional and predicate calculus; methods of proof; algebra of sets; relations and functions; finite and infinite setsMath 21/equiv or COI4
10Math 110.1Abstract Algebra IGroups, group homomorphism; permutation groups; factor groups; rings, ring homomorphism, ideals, integral domains; introduction to fields, field of quotientsMath 108/equiv or COI3
11Math 110.2Abstract Algebra IIVector spaces; linear transformations; matrices; diagonalizability; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; inner product spaces; normal matricesMath 110.13
12Math 110.3Abstract Algebra IIIPolynomial rings and factorization; field extensions, splitting fields, finite fields, field automorphisms; introduction to Galois theoryMath 110.13
13Math 117Elementary Theory of NumbersDivisibility, Euclidean algorithm, primes and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, congruences, systems of linear congruences, primitive roots, primality testing, cryptography, quadratic residues and the quadratic reciprocity law, Diophantine equationsMath 108/equiv or COI3
14Math 122Differential Equations and ApplicationsFirst order ordinary differential equations (ODEs); homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear second order ODEs; systems of linear equations; series solutions of ODEs; stability analysis of nonlinear ODEs; Laplace transforms; applications of ODEsMath 22/equiv or Math 30/equiv3
15Math 123.1Advanced Calculus IThe real number system; point set topology; sequences of real numbers; limits and continuity; the derivative; the Riemann integral; sequences of functions; uniform convergenceMath 23/equiv and Math 108/equiv, or COI3
16Math 123.2Advanced Calculus IISeries of real numbers; series of functions; power series; topology of ℝⁿ; limits, continuity and differentiability of functions of several variables; implicit and inverse function theorems; multiple integration; improper integrals; transformationsMath 123.13
17Math 126Real AnalysisProperties of real numbers; integral of step functions; Lebesgue integral; convergence theorem; measurable functions; measurable sets; selected topicsMath 123.13
18Math 128Complex AnalysisComplex numbers and properties; analytic functions and the Cauchy-Riemann equations; power series representation of analytic functions; complex integration; Cauchy integral formula and its consequences; singularities, Laurent series, and residues; applications to definite integralsMath 123.1/equiv3
19Math 133Introduction to Mathematical ModelingOverview of mathematical modeling; discrete models; model fitting; linear programming; linear and nonlinear continuous models; numerical methods; optimization of continuous modelsCS 11/equiv and Math 122/equiv3
20Math 140Introduction to Modern GeometriesDevelopment of modern geometries; finite geometries; geometric transformations; projective geometry; non-Euclidean geometriesMath 108/equiv or COI3
21Math 142Elementary TopologyTopological spaces; continuous functions and homeomorphisms; compactness and connectedness; separation axiomsMath 123.1 or COI3
22Math 146Introduction to Differential GeometryElementary topology; calculus of several variables; curves and surfaces; theorems of Stokes and Gauss; differential formsMath 23/equiv and Math 140/equiv, or COI3
23Math 147Introduction to Algebraic GeometryProjective varieties; algebraic and elliptic curvesMath 110.1 and Math 1403
24Math 148Introduction to Projective GeometryProjective planes and spacesMath 110.1 and Math 1403
25Math 150.1Mathematical Statistics ICombinatorial probability; probability distributions; joint and conditional distributions; random variables; distributions of functions of random variables; mathematical expectation; moment-generating functions; sampling distributionsMath 23/equiv and Stat 101/equiv3
26Math 150.2Mathematical Statistics IILimiting distributions; estimation of parameters; tests of hypotheses; regression and correlation; analysis of variance; applicationsMath 150.13
27Math 158Introduction to Discrete MathematicsPermutations and combinations; binomial and multinomial coefficients; the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion; graphs and their properties; families of graphs, distance and connectivity in graphs, selected topics in discrete mathematicsMath 108/equiv or COI3
28Math 162Theory of InterestSimple interest; compound interest; continuous interest; annuities; amortization schedules and sinking funds; bonds and other securities; special topicsMath 22/equiv or Math 30/equiv3
29Math 164Mathematics of Life ContingenciesMathematical theory of life contingencies involving single-life functions; mortality; life annuities and insurances; reserves; expense factor; population theoryMath 150.1, Math 162/equiv3
30Math 166Mathematics of FinanceBond-Stock market; immunization; forwards and futures; options, including binomial pricing and Black-Scholes pricing; greeks of options; swaps; hedging and investment strategiesMath 1623
31Math 171Numerical AnalysisError analysis; solution of a single nonlinear equation; solution of systems of equations; solution of ordinary differential equations; seriesMath 122/equiv and Math 110.2/equiv3
32Math 180.1Operations Research IIntroduction to linear programming; the simplex method; duality; sensitivity analysis; integer programming; nonlinear programmingMath 40/equiv3
33Math 180.2Operations Research IIReview of probability theory; Stochastic models; Markov chains; introduction to queueing theory; introduction to simulation; games, replacement and reliability theoryMath 180.1, Math 150.13
34Math 190Introduction to Mathematical Research and WritingBasic principles and best practices of mathematical research and writingJunior Standing2
35Math 197Special TopicsCOI
36Math 200Undergraduate ThesisSenior Standing3
37Math 201Concepts and Techniques in Abstract AlgebraGroups, rings and homomorphismMath 109/COI3
38Math 202.1Analysis IReal numbers, sequences of real numbers and limits, continuity of functions, derivatives, Riemann integralCOI3
39Math 202.2Analysis IIn-dimensional Euclidean space, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, complex-valued functions and their derivativesMath 202.13
40Math 203Matrices and ApplicationsLinear systems of equations and matrices, matrix operations, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, applicationsCOI3
41Math 204Classical and Modern GeometryFinite geometries, euclidean and non-euclidean geometries, projective geometry, geometric transformationsCOI3
42Math 205Concepts and Methods in Probability and StatisticsDescriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, sampling theory, estimation and test of hypothesis, linear correlation and regression analysisCOI3
43Math 208History and Development of the Fundamental Concepts of MathematicsCOI3
44Math 209.1Selected Topics in Applied MathematicsCOI3
45Math 209.2Selected Topics in Discrete MathematicsMath 2013
46Math 210.1Modern Algebra ISemigroups and groups; rings; fields; groups with operators. Selected topicsCOI3
47Math 210.2Modern Algebra IIA continuation of Mathematics 210.1Math 210.13
48Math 211Linear AlgebraVector spaces, linear mappings; theorem of Hamilton-Cayley; modules over principal ideal domains; Jordan canonical form, rational canonical form; bilinear forms, inner products; law of inertia, spectral theorem; multilinear forms; tensor productsMath 110.2/40/COI3
49Math 214Theory of MatricesCOI3
50Math 216Lie Groups and Lie AlgebrasClassical matrix Lie groups, Lie algebras of Lie groups,nilpotent and solvable algebras, semisimple algebras, representationsMath 210.13
51Math 217Theory of NumbersLinear Congruences, Euler’s and Wilson’s Theorems, Quadratic residues, Quadratic Reciprocity Law, Jacobi’s and Kronocker’s symbols, Polian Equation, Positive Binary and Ternary quadratic forms. Theory of the sums of two and three squaresCOI3
52Math 218Theory of Algebraic NumbersAlgebraic number fields; algebraic integers; basic and discriminant; ideals; fundamental theorem on the decomposition of ideals; ideal classes; Minkowski’s theorem; the class formula; units; Fermat’s last theorem. Selected topicsCOI3
53Math 220.1Theory of Functions of a Real Variable ILebesgue and other integrals; differentiation; measure theoryMath 123.1/COI3
54Math 220.2Theory of Functions of a Real Variable IIContinuation of Math 220.1. Selected topicsMath 220.13
55Math 221Partial Differential EquationsEquations of the first and second order. Green’s function. Boundary value problemsCOI3
56Math 222Approximation TheoryTaylor’s theorem, Weierstrass approximation theorem, approximation in Hilbert spaces, Fourier Series and Fourier transform, direct and inverse theorems, algebraic and trigonometric interpolation, Whittaker-Shannon sampling theory, wavelet analysisMath 220.1/COI3
57Math 224Control TheoryElements of the calculus of variations. Naive optimal control theory; Functional analysis; Generalized optimal control theory; The Pontrjagin maximum principle for chattering controls; Research problemsMath 126, 142/COI3
58Math 227Calculus of VariationEuler’s equations. Legendre conditions. Jacobi’s conditions. Isoperimetric problems. Lagrange’s methods. Dirichlet’s principleCOI3
59Math 228Theory of Functions of a Complex VariableAnalytic functions; geometric function theory; analytic continuation; Riemann Mapping TheoremCOI3
60Math 229Functional AnalysisLinear operators, linear functionals, topological linear spaces, normed spaces, Hilbert spaces, functional equations, Radon measures, distributive and linear partial differential equations, and spectral analysisMath 220.13
61Math 235Mathematics in Population BiologyContinuous and discrete population models for single species, models for interacting populations, evolutionary models, dynamics of infectious diseasesMath 121.1/equiv/COI3
62Math 236Mathematics in Biological ProcessesBiological oscillators and switches, perturbed and coupled oscillators, reaction diffusion, enzyme kinetics, chemotaxis, circadian systems models, coupled cell networksCOI3
63Math 240Geometric CrystallographyIsometries, frieze groups, crystallographic groups, lattices and invariant sublattices, finite groups of isometries, geometric and arithmetic crystal classes.Math 210.1/equiv3
64Math 241Hyperbolic GeometryMoebius transformations, hyperbolic plane and hyperbolic metric, geometry of geodesics, hyperbolic trigonometry, groups of isometries on the hyperbolic planeMath 210.1/equiv3
65Math 242General TopologyTopological spaces; metric spaces; theory of convergence; bases; axioms of countability; subspaces; homeomorphisms. Selected topicsCOI3
66Math 243Algebraic TopologyHomotopy, fundamental group, singular homology, simplicial complexes, degree and fixed point theoremsMath 2423
67Math 246Differential GeometryClassical theory of curves and surfaces. Mappings of surfaces. Differential structures. Lie groups and frame bundlesMath 123.2/COI3
68Math 247Algebraic GeometryThe general projective space. Collineation and correlations in a projective space. Algebraic manifolds. Plane curves. Quadratic transformation of systems of plane curvesCOI3
69Math 249Selected Topics in Geometry and TopologyCOI3
70Math 250Probability TheoryRandom variables, laws of large numbers, special probability distributions, central limit theorem, Markov chains, Poisson process, martingalesMath 220.1/COI3
71Math 258Combinatorial MathematicsPermutations and combinations. Generating functions. Principle of inclusion and exclusion. Recurrence relations. Occupancy. Matrices of zeros and ones. Partitions. Orthogonal Latin squares. Combinatorial designsCOI3
72Math 260Actuarial Theory and PracticeMultiple life theory, multiple decrement theory, applications of multiple decrement theory, risk theory, ruin theory and introduction to credibility theoryMath 164/COI3
73Math 261Survival and Loss ModelsHazard rate function, analysis of various survival and loss models, credibility theoryMath 164/COI3
74Math 262.1Actuarial Science IGross premiums and asset shares, nonforfeiture values, expense analysis, distribution of surplus, valuation of liabilities, product development process, introduction to life insurance accountingMath 261/COI3
75Math 262.2Actuarial Science IISelection of risks, reinsurance, introduction to investments analysis and finance management, insurance code, actuarial principles in special lines of insuranceMath 262.1/COI3
76Math 265Stochastic CalculusConditional expectations, martingales, Brownian motion, Ito integral, Ito formula, stochastic differential equation, Girsanov Theorem, applications to mathematical financeMath 150.1/COI3
77Math 266Mathematical FinanceBinomial asset pricing model, vanilla options, exotic options, American options, arbitrage probabilities, profit and loss, stochastic interest ratesMath 265/COI3
78Math 271.1Numerical Analysis IFloating point representation, condition numbers, iterative methods for solving systems of linear and nonlinear equations, numerical integration, numerical linear algebraMath 171/COI3
79Math 271.2Numerical Analysis IINumerical methods for ordinary differential equations, finite difference methods for partial difference equations, numerical methods for conservation laws, multi-grid methodsMath 271.1/COI3
80Math 280Linear ProgrammingSimplex method, duality, geometry of linear programs, parametric programming, decomposition and upper-bounded variablesMath 114, 180.23
81Math 281Nonlinear ProgrammingProperties of convex sets and functions. Unconstrained optimization. Kuhn-Tucker Theorem. Lagrange Multipliers. Saddle-point Theorems. AlgorithmsCOI3
82Math 282Integer Programming and Combinatorial OptimizationApplications of integer programming. Converging dual and primal cutting plane algorithms. Branch-bound methods. Total unimodularity and the transportation problem. Applications of graph theory to mathematical programmingMath 280/equiv3
83Math 283Applied Dynamic ProgrammingDeterministic decision problems; Analytical and computational methods; Applications to problems of equipment replacement, resource allocation, scheduling, search and routing.Graduating Standing/COI3
84Math 285Introduction to Stochastic OptimizationProbability theory and applications to discrete and continuous time Markov chains; classification of states; algebraic methods, birth and death processes, renewal theory, limit theorems.Math 40, 150.13
85Math 286Finite Graphs and NetworksBasic graph theory and applications to optimal path problems; flows in network; combinatorial problemsMath 285/COI3
86Math 288Numerical OptimizationDeterministic descent type methods, stochastic optimization methods, numerical implementationMath 271.1/COI3
87Math 290Research Paper on College MathematicsCOI3
88Math 294Independent Study3
89Math 295Special ProjectCOI3
90Math 296Graduate SeminarCOI1
91Math 297Special TopicsCOI3
92Math 300Master’s Thesis6
93Math 400PhD Dissertation12

Marine Science Institute (MSI) Programs

1. MS in Marine Science
2. Professional Master’s in Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management
3. PhD in Marine Science (Option 1 – with MS degree)
4. PhD in Marine Science (Option 2 – with BS degree)
5. PhD in Marine Science (Option 3 – by research) *

See list of courses from MSI

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1MS 1Oceans and UsAn appreciation cours on the functional balance between the health of the oceans and the survival and improvement of our way of lifenone3
2MS 101OceansConcepts necessary for broad understanding of physics, chemistry, geology and biology of oceansnone3
3MS 102The Marine SciencesAn introduction to the subdisciplines of marine science biology, marine chemistry, marine geology and physical oceanography, with emphasis on tropical marine ecologyCOI3
4MS 201Ocean Physics and ChemistryIntroduction to physical and chemical properties and processes in marine waters.Introductory Calculus, Elementary Organic Chemistry and basic Physical Chemistry3
5MS 210Physical OceanographyPhysical properties of sea water, general distribution of salinity, temperature and density, waves and currents, ocean atmosphere interactions.Math 21 or COI3
6MS 213Dynamics of OceansDynamical principles which govern the behavior of the oceans in response to the effects of gravity, rotation, and other external forcesMS 210 or COI3
7MS 214Waves and TidesQuantitative discussions on surface, long standing and internal waves; seiches, tsunamic, storm surges, swells, tide-producing forces and tidesCOI3
8MS 216Numerical Ocean ModellingNumerical problem solving on topics pertaining to wind-driven barotrophic models; simple thermothaline models; barocolinic models; mixed models; problems in ocean modelingMS 210 or COI3
9MS 217Coastal and Estuarine OceanographyOcean dynamics modified by therohaline effects, presence of coast and shallow bathymetryMS 210 or COI3
10MS 220Chemical OceanographyChemical features of and processes in marine waters and sediments, and their interrelationships with the physical and biological systemsAnalytical Chemistry or COI3
11MS 221Marine GeochemistryThe study of oceans as geochemical systems with emphasis on global biogeochemical cyclesMS 220 or COI3
12MS 222Chemistry of Marine Coastal EnvironmentsApplications of principles of chemical oceanography to the understanding of various coastal systems including coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, and estuariesMS 220 or COI3
13MS 226Marine Pollution ChemistrySources, sinks and fate of various types of pollutants in the marine environment (lec)General Inorganic Chem, General Organic Chem, & Analytical Chem or equivalents or COI3
14MS 226.1Marine Pollution Chemistry LaboratoryField and laboratory studies to apply concepts and techniques in marine pollution chemistry (lab)Coreq: MS 2262
15MS 230Geological OceanographyAn introduction to the origin, morphology, structure and processes of the sea floor and ocean margins (for non-geology majors).Geol 11 or COI3
16MS 240Biologicl OceanographyThe relationship of biological systems to the marine physico-chemicl environmentMS 210 or MS 2013
17MS 242Marine MicrobiologyThe diversity and role of marine microorganisms in energy flow and biogeochemical cycling.COI3
18MS 246Marine PhytoplanktonMarine phytoplankton and their role in primary productivity.Phycology or COI3
19MS 248Marine ZooplanktonDynamics of marine systems with emphasis on Philippine coastal environmentsIntertebrate Zoology or COI3
20MS 250Marine EcologyFundamental ecological principles as applied to the marine environment.Undergraduate ecology or COI3
21MS 251Population Biology of Marine OrganismsStudy of populations of marine organisms, factors that regulate their size, interspecific interactions, and their life history strategies.Consistent with marine ecology and biological oceanography or equivalent3
22MS 252Marine BiogeographyUnderstanding the spatio-temporal variability in the distribution patterns of marine biota and the dynamic processes which cause these patterns.COI3
23MS 253Marine Chemical EcologyThe role of biomolecules (hormones, secondary metabolites, and others) in the interaction of marine organisms and their potential ecological and economic applicationsCOI3
24MS 254Seagrass and MangrovesDistribution and production ecology of seagrasses and mangroves with emphasis on their role in the productivity and stability of coastal habitats.Taxonomy of Higher Plants, consistent with marine ecology or equivalent3
25MS 255Coral Reef EcosystemsStructure, function and ecological significance of coral reefs and their major living components.COI3
26MS 256Marine AlgaeTaxonomy, morphology and ecology of marine benthic algae.COI3
27MS 258Marine FishesTaxonomy, morphology and ecology of marine fishes.Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy3
28MS 260Marine BiodiversityThe variety, variability and natural relations of marine living organisms viewed at the structural (organismal to ecosystem) level.Undergraduate Ecology course or COI3
29MS 261Physiology of Marine AlgaePhysiological features of marine algae – growth differentiation, structure-function relationships, and adaptation strategies.MS 260 or equivalent or COI3
30MS 270Biochemistry of Marine OrganismsStructure-function relationships of biomolecules, bioenergetics, catalysis, and regulation of metabolic pathways; and comparative biochemistry of marine organisms.Elementary Biochemistry or COI3
31MS 272Marine Biotechnology IPrinciples of genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and genetic manipulation with emphasis on their application in the study of marine organisms.Undergraduate-level courses in biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics or COI3
32MS 273Marine Biotechnology IIMolecular, biotechnological, and related techniques in the study and utilization of marine organisms.MS 2723
33MS 278Marine Natural ProductsSurvey of natural products from marine organisms; chemistry, biosynthesis, isolation, purification and biological activity.MS 270 or COI3
34MS 280Management of Marine ResourcesBiological and economic concepts for developing and managing the living resources of the sea.Plant Morphoanatomy, Fundamentsl of Ecology or COI3
35MS 283Marine AgronomyEcology and culture of economically important seaweeds and the utilization of their productsMS 260 or equivalent3
36MS 300MS Thesis6
37MS 354Marine Ecosystem DynamicsPrinciples and processes underlying the structure and function of marine ecosystems.MS 250 or equivalent or COI3
38MS 356Phylogeny and Systematics of Marine OrganismsThe principles of phylogenetic systematics with special reference to marine taxa.Marine Algae or Marine Fishes or COI3
39MS 360Physiology of Marine AlgaePhysiological adaptations of biota to the marine environment with focus on marine animals.Undergraduate Animal Physiology course or COI3
40MS 361Reproductive Biology of Marine OrganismsReproduction in major groups of marine organisms with special reference to cycles and periodicity, in relation to internal and external control mechanisms.COI3
41MS 366Population Genetics of Marine OrganismsThe principles of population genetics with emphasis on the application of genetic markers for the assessment and management of wild and cultured organisms.Undergraduate genetics or COI3
42MS 385Marine ToxinologyThe biological significance, mode of production, biochemistry, toxicology and mechanisms of action of marine toxins.COI3
43MS 395Advanced Studies in Marine ScienceConduct of actual research, preparation of scientific manuscript on an advanced research problem in Marine Science, and submission of manuscript for publication in a highly reputed journal (e.g. Thomson Reuters indexed) for peer-review. (lab)none4
44MS 396SeminarReadings and public presentation on current research, issues and topics.COI1
45MS 397Special Topics in Marine ScienceDiscussions on current and emerging topics/issues in the marine sciences.COI3
46MS 398Advanced Methods in Marine ScienceSpecialized techniques used in marine science research.COI3
47MS 400Dissertation12
48TMEM 201Tropical Marine EcosystemsEcological foundations of tropical marine ecosystems. (lec/lab)none3
49TMEM 202Dynamics of Tropical Marine Socio-Ecological SystemsInteractions of social, political, cultural, economic, and ecological dimensions in tropical marine ecosystems. (lec/lab)TMEM 2014
50TMEM 203Marine Environmental Planning and Managementrinciples and tools for marine environmental planning and management. (lec/lab)TMEM 2024
51TMEM 210Intercultural Understanding in the Management of Tropical Marine EcosystemsMulticultural realities and diversity issues in tropical marine ecosystem management in Southeast Asia and Coral Trianglenone1
52TMEM 211Communication in Tropical Marine Ecosystem ManagementCommunicating knowledge issues and policies to stakeholders involved in tropical marine ecosystem management.none1
53TMEM 220Marine Protected Area Management and GovernanceIntegration of socio-ecological systems and designs; legal frameworks, governance and administration principles, and sustainable financing schemes. (lec/lab)TMEM 2033
54TMEM 221Strategic Planning for Marine Protected AreasApplication of strategic planning principles and tools to marine protected areas. (lec/lab)TMEM 2205
55TMEM 222Marine Protected Area Management Plan ImplementationManagement processes, systems and standards I the operation of single site marine protected areas. (lec/lab)TMEM 2215
56TMEM 223Marine Protected Area Networks and Large Marine EcosystemsNetworking and alliance building within and among local, provincial, and national entities for the governance of marine protected area systems. (lec/lab)TMEM 2225
57TMEM 296SeminarPresentation of relevant issues in tropical marine ecosystem management.COI1
58TMEM 297Special ProblemTMEM 2963

Materials Science and Engineering Program (MSEP) Programs

1. MS in Materials Science and Engineering
2. PhD in Materials Science and Engineering

See list of courses from MSEP

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1MSE 211Laboratory Module in Transmitted Light Microscopy(lab)1
2MSE 212Laboratory Module in Mineragraphy(lab)1
3MSE 213Laboratory Module in Crystallography(lab)1
4MSE 214Laboratory Module in Vacuum Tech & Thin Film Deposition(lab)1
5MSE 215Laboratory Module in Electronic & Magnetic Measurement(lab)1
6MSE 216Laboratory Module in Ceramics Processing & Characterization(lab)2
7MSE 217Laboratory Module on Scanning Electron Microscopy(lab)1
8MSE 218Laboratory Module in Metallography(lab)1
9MSE 219Laboratory Module in Metallography(lab)1
10MSE 243.1Epitaxial Growth Laboratory(lab)2
11MSE 245.1Semi-Conductor Characterization Laboratory(lab)2
12MSE 271.1Applied Liquid Crystals ICharacterization of LCs: optical microscopy; refractometry; uv-vis-ir spectrophotometry; FTIR; differential scanning calorimetry. (lab)2
13MSE 271.2Applied Liquid Crystals IISynthesis of LCs; fabrication of polymer dispersed liquid crystals (PDLC) fabrication; characterization and applications in simple LC devices. (lab)2
14MSE 283.1Semiconductor Device Fabrication Laboratory(lab)2
15MSE 287.1Crsytal Growth Laboratory(lab)2
16MSE 300MS Thesis6
17MSE 400PhD Dissertation12

National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (NIMBB) Programs

1. MS in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
2. PhD in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

See list of courses from NIMBB

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCourse Credit
1MBB 1Biotechnology and YouHistorical events, processes, products, issues, and concerns in modern biotechnology
2MBB 10Introduction to Molecular BiologyAn introduction to the fundamentals of molecular biology and biotechnology
3MBB 100Introduction to Scientific Writing in Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyPrinciples and methods in scientific writing
4MBB 110Fundamentals of Molecular MicrobiologyMolecular diversity, physiology, and genetics of microorganisms
5MBB 126Molecular Physiology of Animal CellsInternal organization, physiology, and behavior of animal cells in vitro
6MBB 126.1Molecular Physiology of Animal Cells LaboratoryFoundational techniques to study the internal organization, physiology, and behavior of animal cells in vitro
7MBB 127Molecular Physiology of Plant CellsInternal organization, physiology, and behavior of plant cells in vitro
8MBB 127.1Molecular Physiology of Plant Cells LaboratoryFoundational techniques to study the internal organization, physiology, and behavior of plant cells
9MBB 130Molecular BiophysicsCharacterization of biomolecules and their interactions through structural analysis and computational techniques
10MBB 140Molecular GeneticsPrinciples and mechanisms of heredity at the molecular level based on studies of prokaryotic, eukaryotic, and viral systems
11MBB 141Principles of Gene ManipulationPrinciples of recombinant DNA technology and its applications
12MBB 142Genes and DevelopmentMolecular and genetic mechanisms underlying multicellularity during embryogenesis and formation of the body plan in model organisms
13MBB 150Cellular and Molecular ImmunologyCellular and molecular aspects of the immune response
14MBB 180Industrial BiotechnologyPrinciples and applications of traditional methods and novel molecular biology techniques in making useful industrial products
15MBB 190Introduction to Bioinformatics and Systems BiologyBasic concepts of systems biology and the application of computational analysis in molecular biology.
16MBB 194Ethics in Scientific ResearchDiscussion of case studies and topics pertaining to social issues and the proper conduct of scientific research relevant to molecular biology
17MBB 195Biotechnology EnterpriseFundamentals of biotechnology commercialization and entrepreneurship
18MBB 196Undergraduate Seminar
19MBB 197Special Topics in Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyCurrent issues in molecular biology and biotechnology
20MBB 200Undergraduate Thesis
21MBB 215Molecular Biology of VirusesConcepts and molecular studies on viral composition, growth, and effects on cellular processes
22MBB 221Advances in Cell and Tissue CultureAdvances in animal tissue culture and their application to various areas of biotechnology
23MBB 222Molecular Basis of Growth RegulationMode of action of growth substances at the molecular and cellular levels
24MBB 225Advanced Molecular PhysiologyMolecular mechanisms involved in the physiology of biological systems
25MBB 230Principles of Instrumentation in Molecular BiologyPrinciples of instrumentation employed in the study of the properties of biomolecules using physical and molecular probes
26MBB 241Advances in Genetic EngineeringAdvances in recombinant DNA technology, biomolecular analysis and their applications
27MBB 242Mammalian Embryology and GeneticsMammalian embryogenesis and the genetic basis of developmental programs that give rise to multicellularity during cell and organ differentiation
28MBB 260Food and Agricultural BiotechnologyPrinciples of genetic manipulation applied to crops and livestock
29MBB 280Advances in Microbial BiotechnologyRecent developments in microbial biotechnology with emphasis on the molecular techniques and mechanisms involved in the synthesis of various economically important products
30MBB 289Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyAdvanced laboratory techniques and applications in molecular biology and biotechnology
31MBB 294Ethics in Research
32MBB 296Graduate Seminar
33MBB 300MS Thesis
34MBB 310Molecular Basis of PathogenesisMolecular mechanisms of attachment, invasion, cell damage, and host cell interaction of pathogens
35MBB 315Molecular Biology of ExtremophilesDiversity of genomes and proteins of extremophiles and their potential for industrial applications
36MBB 325Molecular Plant PathologyPlant infectious agents and vectors; molecular basis of their attachment, invasion, cell damage, and host cell interactions
37MBB 340Human Molecular GeneticsPrinciples and mechanisms of human genetic variation at the molecular level; techniques in human genome analysis
38MBB 350Advanced Cellular and Molecular ImmunologyCellular and molecular mechanisms of immune system activation, regulation, and function
39MBB 380Molecular DiagnosticsFundamental concepts and applications of molecular methods in detection, identification, and prediction of infectious agents in plants and animals
40MBB 390Bioinformatics and Systems BiologyComputational methods to study biological systems; the interactions of key elements such as genes, proteins, and other cell components that give rise to function and behavior of a system
41MBB 397Current Topics in Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyDiscussion of recent development in molecular biology and biotechnology
42MBB 398Special Problems in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
43MBB 400PhD Dissertation

National Institute of Physics (NIP) Programs

1. Diploma in Physics
2. MA in Physics
3. MS in Physics
4. PhD in Physics

See list of courses from NIP

No.Course Code and NumberCourse TitleCourse DescriptionPre-requisitesCorequisiteCreditsRemarks
1Physcis 10Physics and Astronomy for the PedestriansA “walk-through” course for people who want to enjoy physics and astronomyNoneNone3Not offered in Midyear
2Physics 71Elementary Physics 1Mechanics of particles, rigid bodies and fluidsNoneMath 53 / Math 1004May be substituted by passing Physics 101
3Physics 71.1Elementary Physics I LaboratoryPhysics 711
4Physics 72Elementary Physics IIElectricity and magnetism, wave phenomena, and opticsPhysics 71None4May be substituted by passing Physics 102 and Physics 103
5Physics 72.1Elementary Physics II LaboratoryPhysics 71.1Physics 721
6Physics 73Elementary Physics IIIThermal Physics, relativity, and quantum physicsPhysics 72None4May be substituted by passing Physics 103 and Physics 104
7Physics 73.1Elementary Physics III LaboratoryPhysics 72.1Physics 731
8Physics 101Fundamental Physics IFundamentals of Newtonian mechanics and gravitational theoryNoneMath 53/equiv.4
9Physics 101.1Fundamental Physics I LaboratoryNonePhysics 1011
10Physics 102Fundamental Physics IIFundamentals of electromagnetism and special relativityMath 54,Physics 101,101.1/71,71.1Math 554
11Physics 102.1Fundamental Physics II LaboratoryNonePhysics 1021
12Physics 103Fundamental Physics IIIFundamentals of waves, optics, and thermal physicsMath 55,Physics 102,102.1/equivs.Math 121.14
13Physics 103.1Fundamental Physics III LaboratoryNonePhysics 1031
14Physics 104Modern Physics IThe old quantum theory up to the Bohr-Sommerfeld model; Schroedinger’s equation and elementary wave mechanics; one-electron atoms; multielectron atoms; Pauli’s exclusion principlePhysics 103,Math 121.1/equiv.4This is part of a two-semester course
15Physics 104.1Moden Physics I LaboratoyNonePhysics 1041
16Physics 105Modern Physics IIIntroduction to the physics of x-rays, molecules, lasers, condensed matter, nuclei, and fundamental particlesPhysics 1043This is part of a two-semester course
17Physics 111Mathematical Physics IAbstract linear spaces and operators; matrix algebra; vector analysis; cartesian tensors and elementary differential geometryNoneMath 553
18Physics 112Mathematical Physics IIComplex analysis; differential equations and special functions; Fourier series and transformsPhysics 111Math 121.13
19Physics 113Mathematical Physics IIISturm-Liouville theory; normed linear spaces, inner product space, Hilbert space, amd linear operators; integral equations and Green functions, funtional derivatices; probability and statistics, random variables and random processesPhysics 1123
20Physics 114Mathematical Physics IVTopology, topological spaces, metric spaces; differential forms; introduction to group theory including finite and continuous groups, group representations, Lie groupsPhysics 1133
21Physics 121Theoretical Mechanics IPrinciples of Newtonian mechanics, the Newtonian theory of gravitation, impulse and collisions, constrained motion, Lagrangian dynamics, central-force motion, linear and nonlinear oscillationsPhysics 103Physics 1133This is part of a two-semester course
22Physics 122Theoretical Mechanics IIMotion in non-inertial frames, relativistic mechanics, mechanics of rigid bodies, systems of small coupled oscillations, vibrating strings and one-dimensional waves, introduction to fluid mechanicsPhysics 1213This is part of a two-semester course
23Physics 131Electromagnetic Theory IElectrostatics in a vacuum, electrostatics in dielectric media, boundary value methods in electrostatics, electric currents, conducting media, magnetostatics in a vacuum, macroscopic and microscopic magnetism, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic inductionPhysics 103Physics 1133This is part of a two-semester course
24Physics 132Electromagnetic Theory IIMaxwell’s equations, special relativity and electrodynamics, motion in static electromagnetic fields, the Lienard-Wiechert fields, electromagnetic radiating systems, propagation of electromagnetic waves, wave guides and cavity resonatorts, classical electron theoryPhysics 1313This is part of a two-semester course
25Physics 135Introductory Plasma PhysicsFundamental processes of ionization and deionization, basic properties of plasmas, particle orbits in electromagnetic fields, continuum model of a plasma, waves in cold plasmas, thermonuclear reactions and plasma devicesPhysics 1323
26Physics 141Quantum Physics IWave packets and uncertainty principle, the Schroedinger equation, simple one-dimensional systems, three-dimensional systems, quantum particle in an external field, the postulates and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanicsPhysics 104,1123This is part of a two-semester course
27Physics 142Quantum Physics IISpin, identical particles, WKB approximation, time-independent, perturbation theory, scattering theory, time-dependent perturbation theory, canonical quantization, introduction to path integralsPhysics 113,1413This is part of a two-semester course
28Physics 151Statistical Physics IReview of thermodynamics, basic statistical concepts, basic methods of statistical mechanics, canonical and grand canonical ensembles, some applications of statistical mechanic, quantum statistics of ideal gasesPhysics 1213
29Physics 152Statistical Physics IIApplications of quantum statistics of ideal gases, elementary kinetic theory of transport processes, Boltzmann equation in the absence of collision, path-integral formulation; general Boltzmann equation; transition probabilities, master equation, Fokker-Planck equation and its applicationsPhysics 1513
30Physics 161Introductory Laser PhysicsIntensity equation for light propagation in a medium, Einstein’s theory of light-matter interaction, gain saturation and dispersive effects in lasers, laser amplification and oscillation, optical resonators and optical modes, general properties and applications of lasersPhysics 1043
31Physics 165Optical Physics IWave theory, geometrical optics, polarization, interference and diffractionPhysics 1323
32Physics 166Optical Physics IICoherence theory; Fourier optics and imaging; basic microscopy; spectroscopy; nonlinear opticsPhysics 1653
33Physics 170Condensed MatterCrystal structure; mechanical, thermal, electric, and magnetic properties of solids; band theory of solids; metals, insulators, and semiconductors; lattice vibrations; imperfections; superconductivity and superfluidityNonePhysics 105/142
34Physics 180Nuclei and ParticlesBasic nuclear properties and classification of fundamental particles; symmetries and invariance principles; strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions; SU (3) quarks, and other selected topicsPhysics 1423
35Physics 191Experimental Physics ISelected standard experiments in modern physics with accompanying lectures on basic experimental techniques and advanced data analysis as well as practical work in technical drawing and machine shop operationsApp Physics 181,1555This is part of a two-semester course
36Physics 192Experimental Physics IISelected advanced experiments and projects in modern physics with accompanying lectures on advanced experimental techniques, experimental design, and instrumentationPhysics 1913This is part of a two-semester course
37Physics 195Special TopicsSelected topics of current interest in modern physicsCOI3
38Physics 196Undergraduate SeminarSS1
39Physics 199Undergraduate ResearchCOI3Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis
40Physics 200Undergraduate Thesis3Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis
41App Physics 155Computer Methods in Physics INumber systems and number representation; overview of computer hardware and software; computer programming methods; numerical analysis; research data processing; introduction to simulation and modelingMath 121.14
42App Physics 156Computer Methods in Physics IIAdvanced computer programming methods; numerical modeling and simulations; discrete models; stochastic methods; current appraches in numerical modelingApp Physics 1554
43App Physics 171Introductory CrystallographyPropeties and symmetries of crystals; x-ray diffraction; interpretation of diffraction patterns; methods of determining the crystal structure of various substances.Physics 105/equiv.32h lecture + 3h laboratory per week
44App Physics 173Solid State PhysicsCrystal structure of solids; lattice vibrations; band theory of solids; metals; semiconductors materials and devices; dielectric, magnetic, thermal, optical and mechanical properties of solids; superconductors.Physics 1053
45App Physics 175Materials Physics IFabrication, processing, characterization, and applications of selected semiconductor, dielectric, magnetic, metallic, superconducting, and photonic materials.App Physics 1733
46App Physics 176Materials Physics IIFabrication, processing, characterization, and applications of amorphous materials, liquid crystals, polymers, ceramic, composites, and other important new materials.App Physics 1753
47App Physics 181Physical Electronics IAnalysis of passive circuits; resonance and filters; semiconductor theory; noise theory; semiconductor devices and their applications; operational amplifiers and analog electronics; FET, MOSFET, CMOS, integrated circuits; electronic instrumentationPhysics 1044This is part of a two-semester course
48App Physics 182Physical Electronics IIDigital theory; logic and switching circuits; analog-digital conversion and multiplexing; computer hardware and interfacing; microprocessors and machine language programming; applications of microprocessorsApp Physics 1814This is part of a two-semester course
49App Physics 183Control Systems Approach to Physics ModelingLinear and nonlinera systems; analog and digital control systems; time-domain modeling; frequency-domain modeling; transient response, stabilithy analysis, steady-state error; control system designPhysics 1213
50App Physics 185Instrumentation Physics ISensors, transducers, and measurement techniques for various physical variables; signal conditioning, digitization and sampling; signal processing and reliability of dataApp Physics 182, Physics 1914This is part of a two-semester course
51App Physics 186Instrumentation Physics IIImaging systems and image processing; multidimensional detection techniques; pattern recognitionPhysics 165, App Physics 1864This is part of a two-semester course
52App Physics 187Photonics and Applied OpticsDesign of Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ) / Signal Processing-based instrumentation systems; current topics and techniques for engineering and design of optical instruments; non-destructive testing/measurement using optical methods; interferometryApp Physics 185, Physics 166App Physics 1864
53App Physics 195Special TopicsSelected topics of current interest in applied physicsCOI3
54App Physics 199Undergraduate ResearchCOA3Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis
55App Physics 200Undergraduate Thesis3Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis
56Physics 201Foundations of Mathematical PhysicsAbstract linear spaces and operators, matrix algebra, vector and tensor analysisCOI3Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
57Physics 202.1Foundations of Mechanics IPrinciples of Newtonian mechanics, the Newtonian theory of gravitation, collisions, systems with constraints, Lagrangian formulation, central-force motion, linear and nonlinear oscillationsCOI3-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
58Physics 202.2Foundations of Mechanics IIMotion in non-inertial frames, relativistic mechanics, rigid bodydynamics, small oscillations, one-dimensional waves, introduction to fluid mechanicsPhysics 202.13-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
59Physics 203.1Foundations of Electromagnetism IElectrostatics in free space and in dielectric media, boundary-value methods, electric currents, conducting media, magnetostatics, macroscopic and microscopic magnetis, Faraday’s law of inductionCOI3-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
60Physics 203.2Foundations of Electromagnetism IIMaxwell’s equations, covariant electrodynamics, motion in static electromagnetic fields, the Lienard-Wiechert potential, radiating systems, propagation of electromagnetic waves, wave guides and cavity resonators, classical electron theoryPhysics 203.13-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
61Physics 204.1Foundations of Modern Physics IFundamentals of modern physics with emphasis on atomic physicsCOI4-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
62Physics 204.2Foundations of Modern Physics IIFundamentals of modern physics covering lasers, x-rays, solids, nuclei, and particlesPhysics 204.13-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
63Physics 204.5Foundations of Quantum Mechanics IThe uncertainty principle, the Schroedinger equation, one-dimensional systems, motion in central field, the postulates and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanicsPhysics 202.2, 204.13-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
64Physics 204.6Foundations of Quantum Mechanics IISpin; time-independent and time-dependent perturbations, scattering, canonical quantization, identical particle systems, introduction to path integralsPhysics 204.53-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
65Physics 205Foundations of Statistical PhysicsBasic concepts and applications of classical statistical mechanics; quantum statistical mechanics of ideal gasesPhysics 202.13Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
66Physics 206.5Foundations of OpticsOptics of planar surfaces, interference, and diffraction, phenomena, Fourier optics, image formation cogerence, polarizationPhysics 203.23Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
67Physics 206.6Physics of LasersThe theory of light matter interaction as applied to lasers, basic elements of lasers, general properties and applications of lasersPhysics 204.13Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
68Physics 206.7Physics of Condensed MatterFundamentals of condensed matter physicsPhysics 204.2/204.63Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
69Physics 206.8Physics of Nuclei and ParticlesFundamentals of nuclear and particle physicsPhysics 204.63Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
70Physics 207Seminar in Modern PhysicsSpecial topics of current interest in physicsGS1Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
71Physics 208Foundations of Physical ElectronicsFundamentals of electronicsPhysics 204.14Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
72Physics 209.1Foundations of Experimental Physics IExperiments in modern physics for college physics teachersPhysics 2084-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
73Physics 209.2Foundations of Experimental Physics IISelected advanced experiments in modern physics for college physics teachersPhysics 209.13-This is part of a two-semester course
-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
74Physics 210.1Physics Teaching Practicum ISupervised practicum in conducting laboratory classes and/or discssion sessions in introductory college physicsEDSC 278/equiv.2-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
-Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis
75Physics 210.2Physics Teaching Practicum IISupervised practicum in conducting a lecture class in introductory college physicsCOI3-Cannot be credited towards the MS (Physics) degree
-Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis
76Physics 211Mathematical Methods of Physics ISelected advanced methods in partial differential equations and integral equations such as Hilbert-space methods, Green-function methods, aproximation methods, variational methods, and optimization methods.Physics 113/equiv.3
77Physics 212Mathematical Methods of Physics IISelected topics in non-linear problems such as stability theory; bifurcation theory; asymptotic properties; perturbation methods; numerical methods’ soliton theory and its applicationsPhysics 113/equiv.3
78Physics 215Computational Methods of PhysicsNumerical methods; introduction to linear and dynamic programming; principles of simulation and modeling; somputer languages for numerical solutions and algebraic manipulationsApp Physics 155/equiv.3
79Physics 221Classical Dynamics IIntroduction to dynamical systems, Hamiltonian dynamics, variational principles, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, classical perturbation theeory, advanced linear dynamics, classical field theoryPhysics 113,122/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
80Physics 222Classical Dynamics IIMethods of nonlinear dynamics, chaotic dynamical systems, strange attractors, routes to chaos, solitary waves and solitons, the method of inverse scattering, kinks and vorticesPhysics 2213This is part of a two-semester course
81Physics 225General Relativity IMnifolds, moddern differential geometry and tensor analysis; basic pronciples of general relativity; Einstein’s field equations and their mathematical properties; exact solutions; linearized theory; variational principles and conservation laws; equations of motion; gravitational waves; experimental testsCOI3This is part of a two-semester course
82Physics 226General Relativity IISpinor analysis; tetrad calculus; the spin-coefficient formilation of general relativity; asymptotic properties of space-time; conformal treatment of infinity; relativistic stars; gravitational collapse and black holes; space-time singularities; relativistic cosmology; and other selected topicsPhysics 2253This is part of a two-semester course
83Physics 231Classical Electrodynamics IThe microscopic and macroscopic Maxwell equations; electrostatics in vacuum and in dielectrics; stationary currents and magnetostatics; conservation theorems for the electromagnetic field; plane electromagnetic waves; wave guides and resonant cavitiesPhysics 113,132/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
84Physics 232Classical Electrodynamics IIElectromagnetic multipole radiation; principles of special relativity; covariant formulation of electrodynamics; radiation from moving charges; bremsstrahlung; relativistic dynamics of charges and fields; classical electron theory; magnetohydrodynamicsPhysics 2313This is part of a two-semester course
85Physics 235Plasma Physics IDynamics of charged particles in electromagnetic fields; orbit theory; wave propagation in cold plasmas; magnetohydrodynamics; hydromagnetic oscillations and stabilityPhysics 135/COI3This is part of a two-semester course
86Physics 236Plasma Physics IIPlasma kinetic theory; statistical mechanics of charged particle systems. The BBGKY kinetic theory; the Vlasov equation; plasma oscillations, micro instabilities in some thermo-nuclear devicesPhysics 152,235/COI3This is part of a two-semester course
87Physics 241Quantum Mechanics ILinear vector space and representation theory; general formulation; simple quantum mechanical systems; quantum dynamics; path integral methodsPhysics 142/equiv.3This is part of a two-semester course
88Physics 242Quantum Mechanics IISymmetries; stationary-state perturbation theory; collision theoryPhysics 2413This is part of a two-semester course
89Physics 243Quantum Mechanics IIIQuantum mechanics and group theory including such topics as group representations; the symmetric, permutation, crystallographic, and other finite groups along with their hysical application; the rotation group; introduction to unitary symmetry; Clebsch-Gordan, Wigner, and Racah algebrasPhysics 2423
90Physics 245Advanced Quantum Mechanics IFormal scattering theory; relativistic quantum mechanics; Feynman calculational techniques and Feynman graphsPhysics 2423This is part of a two-semester course
91Physics 246Advanced Quantum Mechanics IIQuantum theory of many-body systems using the methods of second quantization, Feynman graphs, Green functions, and other techniquesPhysics 2453This is part of a two-semester course
92Physics 251Statistical Mechanics ITHermodynamics of phase transitions; the Ginzburg-Landau theory; critical exponents; review of probability theory; master equation; the Fokker-Planck equation; random walk and the diffusion equation; probability density and Liouville’s equation; ergodic theory; mixing flow; equilibrium statistical mechanics; equilibrium, fluctuations and critical exponentsPhysics 1513This is part of a two-semester course
93Physics 252Statistical Mechanics IIElementary transport theory; Onsager’s relations; Wiener-Khinchin theorem; fluctuation-dissipation theorem; linear response theory; response theory; thermodynamic stability riteria far from equilibrium; examples of nonequilibrium phase transitionsPhysics 2513This is part of a two-semester course
94Physics 255Atomic and Molecular Physics IQuantum-mechanical treatment of the structure and interactions of atoms and molecules; complex atomic spectra; Hartfree-Fock-Slater methods; vector coupling; multiplet theory and Racah methods; transition probabilities and selection rules; molecular rotations and vibrations; group-theoretic methods in molecular physicsPhysics 2423This is part of a two-semester course
95Physics 256Atomic and Molecular Physics IITopics to be selected from rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra of molecules; molecular orbitals; techniques of nuclear-magnetic resonance, microwave, electron-spin-resonance, infrared Raman, optical and ultraviolet spectroscopy; applications to stellar spectra; introduction to the theory of atomic collisionsPhysics 2553This is part of a two-semester course
96Physics 261Laser Physics IEinstein’s theory of light-matter interaction; rate equation; density matrix formalism of quantum mechanics; Maxwell-Schroedinger equations, Maxwell-Bloch equations; steady state behavior and instabilities of single-mode lasers; optical bistability; multimode laser operation and multimode instabilities; coherent pulse propagationPhysics 161, 242/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
97Physics 262Laser Physics IIQuantum theory of radiation; coherent state of radiation; P-representation; squeezed states; quantum Fokker-Planck equation; quantum theory of the laser; photon and photoelectron statistics; quantum mechanical coherence; Langevin’s theory of brownian motion; Langevin’s theory of the laser.Physics 2613This is part of a two-semester course
98Physics 265Modern Optics IFoundations of geometrical optics; geometrical theory of aberrations; theory of interference and interferometers; theory of diffraction; diffraction theory of aberrationsPhysics 165, 232/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
99Physics 266Modern Optics IITheory of electromagnetic propagation in anisotropic media; Jones calculus as applied to birefringent systems; electromagnetic propagation in periodic media; electro-optics; parametric amplification and oscillation; Raman scattering; Brillouin scattering; phase conjugate optics; introduction to integrated opticsPhysics 2653This is part of a two-semester course
100Physics 271Solid State Physics IFundamental principles of the physics of solids. Topics include periodic structure3, lattice waves, electron states, static properties of solids, electron-electron interaction, dynamics of electrons in solidsPhysics 170,242/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
101Physics 272Solid State Physics IITransport and optical properties of solids, Fermi surface, magnetism, superconductivity, amorphous and disordered systemsPhysics 2713This is part of a two-semester course
102Physics 275Low-Temperature Physics IProperties of superconductors; the London, Ginzburg-Landau and BCS theories of superconductivity; the Josephson effect; and other topics in superconductivityPhysics 170,242/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
103Physics 276Low-Temperature Physics IIProperties of liquid helium; the Landau, Feynman, and Bogolyubov theories of superfluidity; rotating helium; vortices; Fermi liquid; and other topics in superfluidityPhysics 170,242/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
104Physics 281Nuclear Physics INuclear structure; self-consistent fields; shell model; single-particle excitations and vibrations, linearization methods; theory of deformed nuclei; pairing in nuclei; quasi-particlesPhysics 180,242/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
105Physics 282Nuclear Physics IINuclear reactions; optical model; compound nuclear reactions; direct reactions; coupled-channel methods; other reaction theoriesPhysics 2813This is part of a two-semester course
106Physics 285Elementary Particle Physics ISpace-time properties of particles; classification of particles and their symmetries; properties of particles and their interactionsPhysics 180,242/equivs.3This is part of a two-semester course
107Physics 286Elementary Particle Physics IISelected topics in strong and weak interactions; current-algebras; dispersion theory; gauge theories; and 5-matrix theoryPhysics 2853This is part of a two-semester course
108Physics 290Graduate ColloquiumGS1
109Physics 291Experimental Methods of Quantum Electronics and OpticsAdvanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of quantum electronics and modern opticsPhysics 192/equiv.3
110Physics 292Experimental Methods of Condensed Matter PhysicsAdvanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of solid state physics and low-temperature physicsPhysics 192/equiv.3
111Physics 293Experimental Methods of Atomic and Molecular PhysicsAdvanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of atomic and molecular physicsPhysics 192/equiv.3
112Physics 294Experimental Methods of Nuclear PhysicsAdvanced laboratory tachniques and instrumentation of nuclear physicsPhysics 192/equiv.3
113Physics 295Experimental Methods of Plasma PhysicsAdvanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation of plasma physicsPhysics 192/equiv.3
114Physics 296Graduate SeminarGS1
115Physics 299Independent Master’s StudyCOA3Satisfactory-or-unsatisfactory basis
116Physics 300MS ThesisCompletion of all course requirements6
117Physics 301Special Topics in Experimental PhysicsAdvanced laboratory techniques and instrumentation in a specialized area of experimental physics that is not covered in other coursesCOI1-3
118Physics 305Special Topics in Theoretical PhysicsAdvanced topics in a specialized are of theoretical physics that is not covered in the other coursesCOI1-3
119Physics 311Advanced Mathematical Physics IStructure and representation theory of various Lie groupsPhysics 2433
120Physics 312Advanced Mathematical Physics IISelected advanced topics in topology, defferential geometry, and related areas of mathematics that are important in contemporary theoretical physicsCOI3
121Physics 313Advanced Mathematical Physics IIISelected advanced topics in functional analysis, operator algebras, and related areas of mathematics that are important in contemporary theoretical physicsCOI3
122Physics 325Advanced Topics in Gravitation ISelected advanced topics of current interest in general relativity and/or alternative classical theories of gravitationPhysics 2263
123Physics 326Advanced Topics in Gravitation IIgravitational field and/or its unification with other fieldsPhysics 2263
124Physics 335Advanced Plasma PhysicsSelected advanced topics of current interest in plasma physicsPhysics 2363
125Physics 341Quantum Field Theory ILagrangian field theory; field quantization; Feynman path integral in field theory; renormalization; dimensional regularization and its application to lambda phi theoryPhysics 2453
126Physics 342Quantum Field Theory IIPath integral formulation of gauge theories; perturbative evaluation of gauge theories; some applications to the theory of elementary particles; current problemsPhysics 3413
127Physics 351Advanced Statistical MechanicsSelected advanced topics of current interest in statistical mechanicsPhysics 2523
128Physics 355Advanced Atomic and Molecular PhysicsSelected advanced topics of crrent interest in atomic and molecular physicsPhysics 2563
129Physics 361Advanced Quantum Electronics ISelected advanced topics in laser physics such as advanced laser systems; optical detectors and modulators; optical fibers and optical communication; optoelectronic devices; integrated opticsPhysics 2613
130Physics 362Advanced Quantum Electronics IISelected advanced topics of current interest in non-linear optics and quantum opticsPhysics 2623
131Physics 371Advanced Solid State Physics ISelected advanced topics in solid state physics with focus on semiconductors, metals, surfaces and interfaces, thin films, and amorphous materialsPhysics 2723
132Physics 372Advanced Solid State Physics IISelected advanced topics in solid state physics with focus on dielectric materials, magnetic materials, phase transitions, and low-dmensional systemsPhysics 2723
133Physics 375Advanced Low-Temperature PhysicsSelected advanced topics of current interest in superconductvity and superfluidityPhysics 275,2763
134Physics 381Advanced Nuclear PhysicsSelected advanced topics of current interest in nuclear physicsPhysics 2823
135Physics 385Current Topics in Particle Theory ICurrent topics in the gauge theories of strong, weak, and electromagnetc interactons as well as the unification problemPhysics 285, 311, 3413
136Physics 386Current Topics in Particle Theory IIAdditional current topics in the theoretical particle physicsPhysics 3853
137Physics 399Independent Doctoral StudyCOA3
138Physics 400PhD DissertationCompletion of all course requirements and passing of Candidacy Examination12

Data Science

The details for the PhD Data science Program can be found on their official PhD Website Curriculum Map

The table below shows the total number of units to be taken to obtain the PhD degree from different starting conditions for the following program track options.

Course Grouping / Requirements Option 1 Option 2Option 3
Core: DS 301: Foundations of Data Science 
Mathematical Methods 3 – 5 
Computational Methods 
Statistical Methods 
Elective courses*21 
Special Topics in Data Science (DS 397) 
Advanced Studies in Data Science (DS 398) 8
Research Methods (DS 399) 
Seminar Course (DS 396) 113
Qualifying Examination required
Colloquium requiredrequiredrequired
Candidacy Examination requiredrequiredrequired
Dissertation Proposal requiredrequiredrequired
Dissertation (DS 400) 12 12 12 
TOTALS 58 – 60 units 37 units 26  units 


  • * If applying for PhD in Biology (Option 3), PhD in Environmental Science (Option 3), or PhD in Meteorology (Option 3), the applicant should have authored at least one article, published within the last five (5) years, in a highly reputable journal (e.g., Scopus- or Thomson Reuters indexed) in which the applicant is the primary author. The publication does not necessarily have to come from the MS thesis. If applying for PhD in Marine Science (Option 3), the same requirements as above apply, except the five (5) year period of the publication prior to application is not included.

  • ** If applying for PhD in Chemistry (Option 3), the applicant must have an MS degree in Chemistry with at least 24 units of graduate courses, primary authorship, as defined by the Institute, in at least one publication in a peer-reviewed journal within the last five years, passing the placement exam in the field of specialization, GWA of 1.75 or better, presentation of capsule proposal for dissertation research, acceptance by a faculty member of the Institute of Chemistry as prospective dissertation advisee, proof of English proficiency for foreign students whose medium of instruction is not English.

  • For more details about the PhD Data Science program please visit the (Program website)[].


UP and non-UP graduates may submit their application for the first and second semester, except for the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology and the Marine Science Institute, which accept applications during the first semester only. Non-UP graduates may apply to the Institute of Chemistry and National Institute for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology during the first semester only.

For more inquiries please contact/email us at Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress and Advancement (OADMAPA)


  • Graduate Office: 09466795326
  • ASTHRDP: +63 953 006 6659
  • Telephone Number: 8981-8500 local 3803
  • Email: 
    • Graduate Office:
    • Admin Staff:
    • ASTHRDP Staff:

Information, process, and documentary requirements for application and admission into the College of Science


Unit 1st Sem 2nd Sem

Institute of Biology

Yes, Except for MS Microbiology

Institute of Chemistry

UPD Graduates only

Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology

Not accepting application

National Institute of Geological Sciences

Institute of Mathematics

Marine Science Institute

Ph.D. Marine Science only

Materials Science and Engineering Program

National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

BS MBB (UPD Graduates only)

National Institute of Physics

Computational Science and Research Center ( Ph.D. Data Science )

The table shows which institutes accept graduate program applications every semester


Application Deadline: May 02, 2025


If you are interested in applying for DOST-ASTHRDP Graduate scholarship, please go to DOST – ASTHRDP Application & Enrollment tab > Application Requirements tab > Submit your application

For more inquiries please contact/email us at Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress and Advancement (OADMAPA)


  • Graduate Office: 09466795326
  • ASTHRDP: +63 953 006 6659
  • Telephone Number: 8981-8500 local 3803
  • Email: 
    • Graduate Office:
    • Admin Staff:
    • ASTHRDP Staff:

Steps necessary for student pre-enlistment, enrollment, and registration in line with the University guidelines and processes.

UP Diliman Registration Flowchart Online Payment

UP Diliman Registration Flowchart Face to Face Payment

( We will accept responses on 06 February 2023 )

2nd Semester, AY 2024-2025 Residency

Reminder: For students returning from LOA, AWOL, and MRR, Please visit the Online Document Processing (ODP) portal CS | Online Access Portal (  before you can proceed to registration and enrollment.

1) Log to your UP Computerized Registration System (

  i)  Update your student profile.

  ii) Enlist all courses (unit) approved by your Program Adviser. 


For “RESIDENCE” Fill-out the CS OADMAPA/ Graduate Office 2nd Semester, AY 2024-2025 Residency Form
(Responses will be accepted beginning January 15, 2025.).


(13 June 2025 (Friday) Last day of enrollment for residency purposes for 2nd Sem, AY 2024-2025. No need to appeal for late enrollment)


2) Lock the Enlistment (Student Registration Module)


3) Post-advising (ADVISER)


4) Proceed to Assessment of Tuition Fees
  i)  For students with NO scholarships and NO Reduced Fee PrivilegesPlease check your CRS.

  ii) For students WITH Scholarships and WITH Reduced Fee Privileges:
       Fill-out the OUR Form for Special Assessments Special Assessment Request Form Special Assessment Request Form


Academic Eligibilities and Accountabilities: Students who have unsettled academic delinquencies are not allowed to enlist additional classes, have their enlistment locked, and proceed to payment. Academic delinquencies must be settled first before you can proceed with your registration. Students with accountabilities may still enlist additional classes and lock/validate their enlistment; however, they cannot be assessed until they settle their accountabilities. To find out how to settle your academic delinquencies and/or accountabilities, contact the office(s) indicated in the “To be settled at” column in your delinquencies tab. The CRS Team has no authority to lift delinquencies and/or accountabilities. Please contact directly the unit(s)/office(s) that tagged you as delinquent and/or accountable to settle such delinquencies/accountabilities.-UP Computerized Registration System (

Detailed process of Registration in the New Normal

For more inquiries please contact/email us at Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress and Advancement (OADMAPA)


  • Graduate Office: 09466795326
  • ASTHRDP: +63 953 006 6659
  • Telephone Number: 8981-8500 local 3803
  • Email: 
    • Graduate Office:
    • Admin Staff:
    • ASTHRDP Staff:

Thesis and Dissertation, Qualifying Exams, Candidacy Evaluation, Program of Study, Graduate Seminar, and other academic related information.

Graduate Guidelines

Released Memoranda

CS OADMAPA Memoranda

1. Memo of Submission of Online Manuscript

OVCAA Memoranda (here

OUR Memoranda (here)

For more inquiries please contact/email us at Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress and Advancement (OADMAPA)


  • Graduate Office: 09466795326
  • ASTHRDP: +63 953 006 6659
  • Telephone Number: 8981-8500 local 3803
  • Email: 
    • Graduate Office:
    • Admin Staff:
    • ASTHRDP Staff:

All important information on requests, certificates, documents, and other files from the ADMAPA Office.

Application & Recommendation Forms

Form 1.1 Application form for admission to a graduate program

Download : PDF File Word File

Form 1.2 Recommendation form in support of application form

Download : PDF File Word File


Online Processes


OUR Online Processes

Downloadable Forms & Documents

For more inquiries please contact/email us at Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress and Advancement (OADMAPA)

  • Graduate Office: 09466795326
  • ASTHRDP: +63 953 006 6659
  • Telephone Number: 8981-8500 local 3803
  • Email:
    • Graduate Office:
    • Admin Staff:
    • ASTHRDP Staff:

New Normal Registration Processes from OUR

For more inquiries please contact/email us at Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress and Advancement (OADMAPA)

  • Graduate Office: 09466795326
  • ASTHRDP: +63 953 006 6659
  • Telephone Number: 8981-8500 local 3803
  • Email:
    • Graduate Office:
    • Admin Staff:
    • ASTHRDP Staff:

Contact Information

For more inquiries please contact/email us at Office of the Associate Dean for Mentoring, Academic Progress and Advancement (OADMAPA)


  • Graduate Office: 09466795326

  • ASTHRDP: +63 953 006 6659

  • Telephone Number: 8981-8500 local 3803

  • Email:

    Graduate Office:

    Admin Staff:

    ASTHRDP Staff: