UPD-CS moves to boost PHL’s scientific output with better resource procurement
Published: May 24, 2023
By: Eunice Jean C. Patron

The University of the Philippines – Diliman College of Science (UPD-CS) already produces a sizable share of the Philippines’ total scientific output, but aims to further this by improving and hastening its procurement of resources.
“As much as 44% of all the publications in UP Diliman come from the College of Science. This is equivalent to 10% of the output of the entire UP system, and 2.5% the output of the entire country,” UPD-CS Dean Giovanni Tapang said at the recent launch of the College’s training partnership with the UP Procurement Office (UPPO).
With over 400 faculty members, half of whom hold doctorate degrees, the UPD-CS is at the forefront of scientific research in the Philippines. Apart from this, the College also mentors a significant portion of the country’s future science, technology, and innovation leaders: it currently produces over 300 graduates per year, at the undergraduate and graduate levels combined.
Yet, in 2019 alone, the Philippines only had 189 scientists per million population—a far cry from the ideal 380 scientists per million, according to data from the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). Dean Tapang hopes to boost UPD-CS’ capacity to address this gap by implementing better procurement processes.
“We need to know how to spend money wisely to get things done. We want our people to know what to do so they can conduct their research as efficiently as possible. It’s not a science per se, but it can be solved by science,” he said.
Dean Tapang underscored the direct importance of the procurement process on scientific research itself, pointing out that streamlining these procedures would have a positive impact on the College’s output. UPPO Director Atty. Flor Rissa Ofilada concurred, even as she underscored the crucial roles of both researchers and administrators in scientific advancement.
“At each stage of the procurement process, the end users assume a crucial role as the process’ main actors. They are the initiators,” Atty. Ofilada said. “Our research assistants and administrative officers are important, as they are the main driving force behind procurement not only in the College but also in the university. No procurement activity can occur without their proactive involvement,” she concluded.
For interview requests and other concerns, please contact media@science.upd.edu.ph.
Arayata, Ma. C. (2019, July 12). PH needs more scientists: NAST. Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1074747