Graduate Students

Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program

The Department of Science and Technology—Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI) announces the availability of scholarships for qualified males and females to pursue Master’s and Doctoral programs in priority S&T areas through the implementation of the Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program (ASTHRDP).



To help improve the country’s global competitiveness and capability to innovate through Science and Technology (S&T).

To accelerate the production of high-level human resources needed for Research & Development (R&D) in S&T.


Types of Scholarship:

MS/PhD Program

Straight PhD Program

Criteria for Eligibility


An applicant must:


  1. be a Filipino citizen;
  2. not be more than 50 years old at the time of application;
  3. be in good health condition;
  4. pass the admission requirements for graduate studies at any of the NSC member-universities and;
  5. pass the interview and other screening procedures.

Priority areas for Thesis/Dissertation


Scholars are encouraged to choose topics for their thesis/dissertation along the following areas:


  1. Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness

  2. Materials Science and Nanotechnology

  3. Natural Products and Drug Development

Terms of Scholarship


  1. The scholarship award shall be for full-time graduate studies to ensure on time completion of a MS/PhD degree in any of the DOST identified priority fields.

  2. The scholar must not be employed or practicing his/her profession while on scholarship; he/she must secure approval for official leave of absence, if employed.

  3. The awardee shall execute a Scholarship Agreement with DOST-SEI.

  4. The academic performance of the scholar shall be evaluated every school term based on established policies to determine his/her scholarship status.

  5. The scholar shall be required to render service obligation in the Philippines after he/she finishes the MS/PhD degree, i.e. one year service for every year of scholarship.

  6. The scholar shall be required to refund the scholarship grant with interest for non-completion of his/her graduate program or failure to comply with the service obligation.

Application & Enrollment

For New Scholars:
Answer this google form 

Scholarship options

1. Tution fee reimbursement – submit a copy of FORM5

2. Late registration – wait for tagging

3. If you plan to defer scholarship for 1-sem; Deferment form

    *Scholars must submit four (4) copies of the deferment form

4. If you plan not to avail the scholarship; Submit a justification letter here 

Processes for DOST-ASTHRDP Scholars


DOST - ASTHRDP Application Process

Enrollment Process

Scholarship Request/Approval

Reimbursement, Thesis Allowance, Withheld Stipend

Scholarship Appeal/Request/Clearance

Director DOST-SEI
Bicutan, Taguig City


Dean, College of Science
Project Leader, UP Diliman, DOST-ASTHRDP


College of Science DOST-ASTHRDP Staff:
Samuel Montes Jr.
Regine Baylon
Anne Angeli Dela Cruz
Yna Krisitina Ong


Should you have questions or concerns, please contact us:
Telephone: 8981-8500 local 3803

Join our Facebook Groups!

1. Official Facebook group for Scholars only (private) 

2. Official Facebook page for Scholars and interested Applicants (public)